Monday, February 12, 2024

Yet Another Tranny Shooter


All the world knows Joel Osteen's megachurch was shot up the other day but the shooter wasn't a crazed right-wing extremist. No, on the contrary, the crazed would be killer was an MTF (male to female) trans immigrant from El Salvador, Jeffrey Moreno.

Jeffrey was stopped by local LEOs before he could do much harm and appears to have a long criminal history , including weapons charges. Also, the crazed wannabe killer seems to have been more trans successful in the past.

So what went wrong, did the trans drugs become somehow unavailable and tip the already mentally ill Moreno into psychotic desperation as he/she discovered she/it was becoming more masculine? Maybe so, but we do know this. 

The dysmorphic potential killer had a "Free Palestine" message on its rifle. Expect this story to be memory-holed as though it had never happened. Keen-eyed readers of this fantastical mind-blog will recall several other tranny shooters.




  1. Can’t actually answer your question, trying to get in the mind of a demented person is difficult at best. What I can say is all the Pop-Psyche purveyors and Mengele MDs promoting this garbage should be flown to the opposite side of Antartica where they can do no harm.

  2. Glaring irregularity non hispanic from El Salvador?

  3. You know, I think I'll actually faint the day a real 'right-wing extremist' actually does something extreme.

    Otherwise, well, it's always the left who resort to violence to get attention.

  4. Couple a good guys with guns stop the insanity again. Too bad that would never work in skoolz, wot?

  5. No. Don’t expect this to be memory-holed. There are too many keywords: AR-15, Palestine, and of course, anti-Semitic. Yes, it’s true. Sadly “anti-Semitic writings” of an undisclosed nature were found among the shooter’s possessions, so say all the news stories.

    This story furthers The Narrative.
    1. AR-15 are weapons of war and no civilian should be allowed to possess one. (A single “bullet” (sic) from an AR-15 can cut a person in half says Col. Craig Tucker, USMC, Ret.* who recently testified to this frightening fact under oath as a gun expert.)
    2. Jews are unsafe anywhere and at all times. This means we must give even more unrestricted money and unconditional political support to Israel.
    3. Of course those subhuman Palestinians are somehow involved in this. Because of their obvious guilt in this attempted mass murder, they deserve whatever comes to them; complete extermination is not off of the table. Frankly it’s no more than those lice deserve.
    4. This trans lunatic dared shoot up a Christian megachurch. That’s what us cousin-humping 2A patriotards go for. I loves me some oleaginous televangelists, they’s my people!

    This bizarre story stinks of a bad op scripted by unsubtle persons who think they’re smarter than they actually are. And that we are dumber than we actually are. The same kind of propagandists who are in advertising and write TV shows. But then again they’ve been astonishingly effective in selling (literally and metaphorically) their bullshit to the American public, so I’m not betting against them on this one**.

    * Ret. may stand for either retired or retarded in the case of this weapons expert.
    ** Even though I mocked these people as not very smart, that’s the ordinary ones. There are some very very smart ones in the background and at the top. And they think in terms of generations and centuries. (And they hate Christians and the West.) Clearly the ordinary mostly apolitical person is getting fed up with trans problems (Dylan Mulvaney, Lia Thomas, and so forth). That horse has been ridden about as far as it can go for now. Since they’re not going to win on that front, let’s take advantage of the rapidly rising antipathy to trans stuff by tying “trans” to ARs, to anti-Semitism, and to Palestinians. Adapt, improvise, and overcome, yeah? Remember, they don’t really care about trans or queer or any of that. All those are tools to undermine, degrade, and ultimately destroy the Christian West. If one tool is damaged, it can be repurposed. Strip the head on your Philips driver? Turn it into a shiv. Or a pry bar.

  6. All that as we move into Ash Wednesday -- and Valentine's Day...

  7. I know, LL, it's right disturbing. You'll note I've just posted Verdi's Dies Irae.

    Lord have mercy.

  8. I wish, Mike, that I could argue compellingly against any one of your points.

    "This bizarre story stinks of a bad op scripted by unsubtle persons who think they’re smarter than they actually are." Doubleplus tick. Speaking of all that, remember the Vegas shooter? Whatever happened to that.

    And yes, they hate and destroy. We build.

    Surprised you're not a Christian, given the above clarity, but I won't preach.

    1. Despite my genetic heritage, in terms of ethos I am fully a man of the West. Therefore my beliefs and values are very much influenced by and indeed based upon Christianity*. I believe that overall, Christianity has been a force for great good in the world.

      That said, I’m strictly an amateur in my understanding of Christianity and its various sects and factions, so I’m sure I’ve gotten much wrong. But in a nutshell, my problem is the Old Testament, meaning most of the “characters” in it. I have further comments, but those would be for a private communication.

      * I realize that there are going to be people who are going to be not happy (to put it mildly) with my assertion that my values are largely Christian. How can that be when I Notice certain disturbing patterns of who does what. First, I’m not claiming to be Christian, or religious at all for that matter. I’m acknowledging that the West is a foundation of Helleno-Romano-Germanic blocks, bound together, and capped, by a matrix of Christian thought. Anyone with Western values has Christian values to a large degree. Heck, even “reconstructed” so-called pagan cults are deeply influenced by Christianity. It’s so pervasive that we don’t notice it, much as the proverbial fish doesn’t think about spending his life in water. It just IS. Second, I can’t help that the distribution of persons most vigorously destroying the West is not uniform across the population.

      I need to learn more about the Scofield bible, among other things, but I get the feeling that scorpions have hacked the belief system of a large fraction of the frogs. Also need to look into the Heliand.

  9. Oh, I know, Wild.

    Of course one day it will, but how sad to have to get to such a point.

  10. It's weird, Beans, all these trannies shooting up their schools, it's almost as though they're not well, in their minds.

    That said, the Left believes there's a roiling mass of rednecks just waiting to break forth from the fields and unleash deadly black rifle Baptist (DBRB) hell on them. They've thought this for decades.

    In fairness, DBRB morale boosters have kinda claimed this. But no, look at the difference between say, Kyle Rittenhouse and the BLM goons.

    Anyway, trannies are clearly a school shootout risk compared to *right winf extremists. FFS.

  11. It seems weird, OK. See Mike's comment. On point, I'd say.

  12. A Hispanic Trannie? Why that's two PPC's (Personal protected characteristics) for the price of one!

    What a deal!

  13. There has been a trannie transformation noted on VM. In case you want to drop by.

  14. Thanks for replying, Mike, feel free to DM.

    "Anyone with Western values has Christian values to a large degree." Yes indeed, and that makes our apostasy and it's practice so much worse than heathendom. Chesterton makes the point, somewhere, and I think he's right.
