Friday, January 26, 2024

I Won't Back Down


Situation developing, but it seems like Governor Abbott is holding the line, he's not backing down and neither are some 25 other states. Who can blame them? They're not enthralled at the prospect of being flooded with hundreds of thousands of invaders. Likewise, they're not too keen on the new Democrat import-a-vote crookery, which threatens their jobs, and no wonder, they'd lose the local power they've worked so hard to gain.

So here we are. The Old Crook's told Abbott he has to back down by end of play today or else. Or else what? Are the Feds gonna go and arrest Abbott in the Governor's Mansion? Maybe III Corps will roll outta Fort Hood on Austin with armored phantom fury. Who knows, maybe local LEO will simply close in and arrest Abbot and put him in gaol. Hunh.

Or, on the other hand, perhaps some court will declare Texas an insurrectionist state and bar it from the electoral college in 2024. Boom, guaranteed Blue Tsunami except that the Rainbow Party will have to disenfranchise 25 other states, with their military, with all their guns and all of that; I don't see it. We are, it seems, at an impasse, make of it what you will. Whatev, here's a song to aid reflection:

Go Abbott,



  1. Gonna need more popcorn for this one!!!

  2. Hubby enjoyed Tom Petty.
    They do think they can take Gov. Abbott out easily, I'm sure.
    He definitely needs Angels around him.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  3. All those armed federal agents against Texans (Guard, Rangers, police, retired military)? I'm enjoying the swamp being between a rock and a hard place. My bet is the swamp hasn't the guts to force the issue. Hey Joe! Who you going to get to fly those F-16s?

  4. Firing the shot heard round the world didn't work out well for King George III. Maybe Slow Joe/Ho feel that it will work out better for them?

  5. I'm very disappointed in my governor for not making it 26 states, but I'm not surprised. While the bulk of Kansas is deep red, she won all the urban counties. I suppose if you win those nine counties, the other 96 can just go pound sand.

  6. Bearing in mind that people are complex, and often have more than one reason for doing, or failing to do, things. What do you (y’all) think is the PRIMARY reason Abbott did what he did?
    1. Genuine desire to uphold the laws and keep fait with his oath of office.
    2. Political grandstanding with an eye to his future national/federal career.
    3. Deep State kayfabe.

    If #3, is it a convoluted, too-clever-by-half bad-thriller plot (such as the “insurrection = no electoral votes for you” business), or what even worse thing(s) is this a distraction from?

  7. It seems are weasel RINO governor, Brad Little, has said he'll send some help. My bet is he doesn't want to pass a chance up to actually appear to be a conservative. Ugh...

    Go, Abbott!

  8. Glad the TP went down well, Linda, it seemed appropriate, given the circs.

    Let's see how this borderous adventure plays out.

  9. My bet's with you, WSF, and already we've seen the Border Patrol essentially side with the Guard. That in mind, the timing's curious.

  10. Now that, Mr. Wolf, is a very good question. I read somewhere, probably on Zero, that the party which fires the first shot loses. So here we are, seemingly at the brink.

  11. That's got to be really grating, Jim. What's the 9 county demographic?

  12. Excellent question, Mike. I'm inclined towards #2 and #3 governing, ahem, #1. But what do I know.

    The SCOTUS ruling seems to be the immediate or presenting cause. Perhaps it took that for Texas' GOP estab to load the weapon if not squeeze the trigger. And note, all the other GOP Governors falling in behind Abbott in the space of hours, almost as if the thing was somehow pre-planned. All very #2/3 and if so, what a bold and dangerous play. Situation most definitely developing.

    After a moment's reflection I'll go out on a limb and call a realpolitik #2 with plenty of level 3 skulduggery afoot. That in mind, someone's got to hold the Dems accountable for brazen vote rigging malfeasance. Good luck to 'em.

    So, are we seeing a Uniparty revolt?

  13. Right with you, Adrienne. Maybe hold your RINO WEASEL accountable and replace it?

  14. It is a very interesting time. Would not put it past the fedgov to try to follow what you propose.

    Actually I've been expecting our imperial administration to declare some variation of martial law irrespective of what Abbott and the other governors and states' legislatures and states' peoples are doing.

  15. Right on Beans, but here's the thing. Say they declared a state of martial law and nobody turned up. What then, drone Abbott and all the other governors? I don't see that working out so well.

    Maybe the bluff's been finally called?

    Guinea on the monkey it has.

  16. I would not put it past the current federal administration to actually use all those three-letter-agencies that have weapons to do the dirty deeds.

    And there are plenty enough 'will follow orders' people in the military to really screw up things.

  17. Or, the Fedcoats yawn, and simply continue to let illegals through by the trainload at the actual BP border Port of Entry checkpoints, 24/7/365, which Abbott and 25 other governors are doing Jack and Squat about.

    Either Abbott steps up and fences them in too, or this is just grandstanding, and about as significant as a fart in a hurricane.

    And everyone watching has been played - again.

    Your ball.

  18. Totally agree, Aesop.

    Will the momentum of his call force Abbott's hand?

    Over to you.
