Saturday, January 27, 2024

#BorderCrisis Memes


Well it's all going on, eh?

And then some

Fire up the grill


And let's not forget our brave farmers

And Montana too

And on and on, but maybe the old memes are the best memes.

Pro Patria,


PS. Bonus memes:



  1. Those are pretty awesome.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  2. Glad to see the St. Andrew's Cross of Florida in there.

    Just waiting to see where the 2nd front opens up. Will it be Arizona, now that we have found out that the deepstate has tried to bribe Kari Lake to get her out of the way? Maybe feckless New Mexico will finally flip Red and start paying attention to something other than fawning over any alien, terrestrial or extra-terrestrial? Will rural Colorado finally fight the blue valleys? When will yet another armada of aliens come washing up on Florida beaches, now that Castro has refilled his prisons and Haiti is Haiti and...?

  3. I liked them too, Linda! The kids pn /pol are pretty quick...

    Bless you.

  4. Good questions Beans, and let's factor in the Convoy. Hmmmm.

    My guess is Arizona, but I know nothing.

  5. Fedcoat. Heh-heh. You may have just pulled ahead of WSF in the race to the camps!

    Never fear. The rest of us aren't far enough behind to matter much.

  6. But Wild, I've reserved the bunk next to the heater.
