Friday, December 15, 2023

What Are Your Politics?


Such an obnoxious question, and that in mind I remember standing decades ago before a roaring fire at a drinks party, in a soutane no less. An untidy woman came up, announced herself as a social worker and asked, "What are your politics?" 

Resisting the urge to say, "Dam your impudence," I held fire while a senior priest leaned over and offered, "I wouldn't ask him, dear, he's Hitler's chaplain." She walked off, discomforted. But that was then, this is now. What are your politics? Well I can't speak for all three of you who read this Space Reich mind blog, but I can speak for myself. 

Henrietta Maria

In sum: Both parties are unfit-for-purpose copies of something they might once have been; labels giving people the illusion of choice in their governance. Call it it a Uniparty if you like, a uniparty which has become increasingly intent on enriching itself at the expense of the people it governs. By all means call it a self-serving oligarchy, made all the more revolting for hiding and masquerading under leftist, liberationist slogans.

OK, we could go on into further tyranny but what's the positive, what do you actually stand for, as opposed to against. Good question. For me: The Catholic Faith, once delivered, and by extension, No Bishop No King. 

Newbury 2

I guess that'd make me a Monarchist, as above so below? In the meanwhile, do we even have elections anymore? Asking for a friend before zhe gets arrested.

Chime in as you will,



  1. I'm a Constitutionalist. God gave us rights above that of the State. Period.

    Have been for a long time. Pretty much from my first paycheck and I saw how much was taken out.

    If Mother Church doesn't recognize that, then Mother Church isn't doing her job and has become unGodly and must be seen as a threat.

    Yeah, pretty simple view, no?

  2. I would prefer an Orthodox emperor... someone who could make certain politics irrelevant

  3. Yes, Beans, the whole thing is God-given.

  4. Regimental Horse Sergeant Majors don't usually announce their politics as a matter of decorum. But in this case, I think that we need to trot out the guillotine and start it work on the swamp. I am an anti-swampist.

  5. It’s important to stand FOR something, versus being AGAINST something. A positive identity is far superior to a negative one. But that said, I’m against the vast majority of those who run things at the Federal level (and local ain’t looking so great either, most places). But I’m not an “anti”. I’m a “counter”. I don’t want Them dead, or deported, or tormented, or whatever. I just want Them to leave me the hell alone and not always be “repairing” stuff that ain’t broke and that no one asked Them to mess with in the first place. “Stay in your own lane and mind your own business” is a pretty good guiding principle.

  6. That is why Trump is so hated. He exposed the uniparty.

  7. I'm a leave-me-the-hell-alone-ist, whatever that is.

    Hitler's chaplain. Surgical, that.

    The uni-party has deleted altogether the "just" part of "deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" from the governed's everyday existence, and pays scant attention, if any, to the consent part, either. God is watching, but they don't care. They've forgotten the promise that He is not mocked. He will have his say in His own good time, and they'll care then......

  8. X10 to all of the above, fully concur. God, Country, Self…which is effectively - as I see it - our Constitution as written by men who tried to balance all three with humility coupled to learned reality.

    I must, as always but moreso this one, your prose is terrific, and the retort by your overwatch friend, exceptional. Brought to mind when Lady Astor said to Churchill, “If you were my husband, I’d poison your tea,” to which he responded, “Madam, if you were my wife, I’d drink it!”

  9. Crusty Old TV Tech here. When asked by a Presbyterian minister what sort of political philosophy he espoused, my father (rest in peace Dad) said "Something a wee bit to the right of Attilla the Hun!". He worked on the Goldwater campaign in NWLa in 1964...and Goldwater took Louisiana in 1964. If pressed for a definition, I would say in my case, like Gen. Goldwater, tempered with the guidance of ABp Sheen on things spiritual.

  10. Right with you, RHSM. DRAIN. THE. SWAMP.

  11. Yes indeed, Mike. Of course part of the problem is that people who've dedicated their lives to the pursuit of power over others aren't likely to voluntarily relinquish it.

  12. They certainly did him in, Infidel. What a scandal.

  13. I had to laugh, Wild, he was an amusing priest... And for sure, there will be a reckoning.

  14. Thanks for the plaudit, Paul, I appreciate it.

    Churchill did have a way with words!

  15. Nice one, TV Tech.

    Sheen was outstanding. We need him back.

  16. Plato described the best form of government a long time ago: a philosopher king, which I interpet as a benign dictatorship. The key is producing a series of individuals who do not worship power for its own sake, and who would govern with restraint so that every citizen could pursue their own goals.

  17. I, of course, agree with you all.
    And when we do find someone in office who is not uni-party, they are outnumbered, over-ruled, or somehow rendered ineffectual.

    You all be safe, God bless and Merry Christmas.
