Saturday, December 30, 2023

Presidential Prediction?

You Wicked Old Mountebank

Who's going to be the next President of the, ahem, Free World? El Senor Trump, Joe "Wicked Old Crook" Biden? Kamala  "The Whore" Harris? Good question.

For what little it's worth, I don't see the Crook getting too far, he's just too unpopular, despite his 81 million vote 2020 rig, and he's clearly ancient and demented as well as an old fraud and a crook. No one really likes him, even his own party, why would they. So the 2024 vibe doesn't seem to lie with Pedo Joe. But what about the Cackling Whore? No one likes her either, not a good candidate.

Orange Man Bad

Then there's the Orange Pinata, Trump. He's popular, no doubt about it, the man fills stadiums, but the Uniparty hates him, he's a threat to them. So do you see the Golden Golem of Greatness being allowed by our rulers to ascend, once again, to the Oval Office? I'd say that was unlikely, but even so, there has to be some kind of viable opposition to keep the pretense of our one two party state vaguely credible. You know, your vote counts, sorta thing, which it obviously doesn't, but whatever.

Cynical doomerism aside, who will the Power that controls us run against Orange Man Bad. The Old Witch, Hillary? Surely not, that pantsuit's already sailed. Feeble Joe and the Cackler are clearly a bust, so... who? Mitchell Obama, swooping in from Martha's Vineyard like an ill-omened bat? As a kind of final black Democrat rally before the Latino influx replaces that unfortunate demographic?

How Very Bipartisan

Possibly, but what do I know, not much except this. Trump is surely the only viable GOP candidate, Biden/Harris are a bust and Mitchell's an outlier, which leaves us at an impasse. There has to be someone, some person anointed by Power to act as the figurehead of State and preserve the facade of freely elected governance. Who will it be?

Your Call,



  1. I hope that George W. didn't grab Big Mike's dick and give him something like a reach around but I can't rule it out. They look close.

  2. I don't know that it matters who is put up for which party. It has been shown the election can be stolen and not challenged.
    That puts it in God's hands.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  3. Good Post, LSP
    Questions that need answers.

  4. It's a very disconcerting photo, LL.

  5. In God's hands most definitely, Linda. Still, I feel, against instinct, that I should vote. Slim pickings tho, eh?

  6. Thanks, JOG, and I wish I had that answer. Maybe we're in for a new form of government. That's, quite frankly, terrifying to me.

  7. Gruesome Newsom will come out of left field and take over for Biden/Harris after the nomination process but before the election.

    And as much as I hope and pray that Trump is elected, I am fully prepared for our nation to end on Election Night, if not before. I'd say there's about a 40% chance that Martial Law is called or some other way that will result in elections being suspended for the duration.

  8. I hadn't thought of Newsome. Good call, Beans.

    With you on the 40%.

  9. Call it a wild guess, but pretty sure the annointed is not gonna be RFK Jr. 🤪

    But what’s really important is as The Great Helmsman famously quipped, “Hei mao, bai mao, ai Es-ah-lee jiu shi hao mao.”

  10. Remember that song Don't Stand So Close to Me by the Po-lease?

    It's clear those two haven't had any such inhibitions for an uncomfortably long time now. Laura is pretty much a progressive so no roadblocks there, but I wonder what Ma Barbara would have thought.

  11. In the end, it is who counts the votes that determine the winners. Shillary lost because she was too cheap to buy off the right people, IMO. Yes, I'm a complete cynic.

  12. Disagree with you WSF. In the end, it isn't who casts or who counts the votes that determines the winners. It's who the elite have selected to win who are the 'winners.'

    Slo Jo even told us blatantly several times in 2020 that the Dems had preselected him as the new anointed one. Remember him saying that it didn't matter who 'won' on election night, it wouldn't be till January that we'd know who the actual 'winner' really was. And so who did Pense allow to win? Yeah.

    When I woke up on the day after election day in 2020, I gloomily predicted it was the end of America as a representative republic (I know, we hadn't really been one for a long time but Trump did bring some hope and change, real hope and change that is.) And I was told by pert near everyone, even other doomsayers, that I was being way too gloomy and full of doom. Sadly it seems I won the prediction game. Dammit.

  13. Once again, they'll tell you who they fear by who they try to destroy.

  14. I have a bad feeling that the pre-chosen, pre selected ones will be Big Mike and Bathhouse Barry, to continue the horror show for another 4 years. And the traitor Biden will be gone by next summer.

  15. Mike, I'm not a betting man, far from it, but I'll wager the fighting monkey against any ten, yes, TEN wimmxn priestesses that you're right.

    And what a proverb!

    1. I must have been stoned to the gills on cough medicine (that’s what I call Sonoma Zinfandel, and no one can prove me wrong!) when I typed that. It wasn’t The Great Helmsmam but rather The Little Bottle who said “black cat, white cat, doesn’t matter. If it uncritically loves Israel then it’s a good cat.”

      Great Helmsmam. That was a typo, but so good I’m going to keep using it. “If commie dictators were trans” and all that.

  16. I do remember that song, Wild, and the sheer obnoxiousness, sorry, genius, of Sting.

    I highly doubt Ma would approve.

  17. I think, WSF, that the Old Witch thought she had it, it was her turn after all, and underestimated the enemy. Good pay-off point, maybe another underestimation?

    Regardless, imagine the scene in her election victory suite on the night of the disaster. The stuff of nightmares.

  18. Beans, perhaps you and WSF are making the same point, in the end? Just a thought. But yes, it seems we've moved beyond representative republic to a hideous self-anointing oligarchy(?).

    I think Rome went through something similar until Augustus reinvented the world, but my, what a lot of bloodshed in the interim.

    Let's see how this plays out.

  19. That's most evident, Ritchie.

  20. I have the same bad feeling, Anon.

  21. I totally understand, Mike, we must all hire more and better copy editors, but what a fortuitous error.

    Then there's the trans thing.

    Kyrie Eleison. As our beloved and popular ruler once said, "The greatest civil rights issue of our time."


    PS. Didn't Mao refer to himself, at least once, as a "warlord"?
