Tuesday, December 12, 2023

How Very Gay


You Wicked Old Fraud

Behold the President of Satan's Vatican, Claudine Gay, real name. Claudine's got zhirself in trouble for allowing Harvard's junior demons to run around campus calling for Jewish genocide. It's apparently a trend in the hallowed halls of Luciferian academe, go ask the president figures of MIT and U Penn.

What's with these wymmxn? And why have the Ivy League Left gone full holocaust NSDAP in the space of so many seconds? More to the point, why is Claudine "Real Name" Gay President of Harvard in the first place, because of zhir weighty, substantial, academic credentials or because DEI activist. 

What an academic genius!

Surely the latter, and you'll be pleased to know that Harvard's faculty have come out some 700 strong to defend President Gay despite the fact that her bogus dissertation on some race idiocy was partly lifted from her supervisor. Yeah, Gay stole her supervisor's work and passed it off as her own.

Nice one, Gay, but Carol Swain, who Gay stole from, wasn't pleased, calling her a "fraud" and an "embarrassment" who would've been fired if "she were a white male, or even a white female, caught in the scandal that she’s caught in."

So totally not a DEI dyke

Well that's just it, eh? Remember, punters, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect and while we're at it, why would anyone, ever, send their kid to Harvard. Bad ROI, to put it mildly. 

In related news, Iowa's State Capitol's set up a shrine to goat headed Baphomet, complete with candles and everything. Good work, Iowa, perhaps you'll be joining Harvard in the near future.

I tell you, we're in for a reckoning,



  1. Chez Gay ripped off somebody else's work? How ordinary. That's been done already, the only question is, is she following in Xiden's footsteps, or is he shambling along in hers?

  2. How do we know Carol Swain didn't copy someone else. seems to be a leftist path.

  3. WSF, are you questioning your rulers?

  4. Why do these types always look…”odd”…almost as if they’re constipated or something? Maybe it’s internal demons fighting against God, they know truth but are desperate to deny anything associated with admitting they were being purposeful in obfuscation, had a stupid moment, or in error. Spitballing here, but never ceases to amaze the similarities amongst this crowd of losers and reprobates who should know better. Yet they are desperate to make us believe their demented viewpoint. Maybe it truly is that Satan stole their brain.

    Growing up if I said “I don’t know” or never directly answered a question dad (and mom on occasion) would get peeved and demand a proper answer….and I only got one chance, beyond that I was sent to my room to “think about it”.

  5. I understand that almost 30 Harvard students got tossed out last year due to plagiarism. Maybe their folks should sue to get them back in there. If it's good for the goose....

  6. Paul, I'm sticking with the "driven insane by Satan" line. Now, are they conflicted with that, internally? Yes, barring perfect possession. Hillary might rank in the latter cohort, imo.

  7. But DOS, are you suggesting RICO?

