Sunday, October 8, 2023

This Is Insane - Hamas Kills Ravers


Red Dawn Crazy

I'm sorry but this doesn't seem to get any better. 100s of kids were at a rave in southern Israel on Saturday near Kibbutz Urim, a "Peace Party" no less, when Hamas terrorists paraglided in and opened fire, killing 260 people and kidnapping others. I won't post photos of the bodies, you can find them online.

I visited that kibbutz years ago and spent several very pleasant days there getting to know some of the people who founded the place, they'd survived the Holocaust. Now this. I pray everyone there's now safe and armed to the teeth, though I doubt the latter. Hopefully the IDF makes up for any deficiency.

get out of there, kids

In the meanwhile, a US carrier group's headed into the Mediterranean. Let's hope we don't see USS Liberty played out on a grand scale. Speaking of which, where is Mossad in all of this? Serious question, the world famous intel agency didn't see any of this coming? 

Situation developing. War and rumors of war.

Buckle Up,



  1. Speaking of which, where is Mossad in all of this?


    Lesson for us? Rhetorical. Will our leaders take head? Not holding my breath.

  2. Exactly, WSF, I'm more than a little mystified.

    Our Beloved Leaders? Well, they're the most popular leaders in the history of popularity, and history.

  3. Klaus said none of us would own paragliders and AK's and we'd all be happy. Clearly, not quite there yet, and I wonder if he envisioned this sort of inconvenience as an integral part of his utopic wet dream.

    Wouldn't surprise me none.

  4. I was under the mistaken impression that the Israelis had lots of firearms in personal possession. I see over at Ace of Spades that only on duty military can bring their weapon home; only 2.5% of the general populace own a gun and they are limited to 50 bullets. The fruits of socialism strike again. Hamas is hitting at soft targets, sorta like our "Gun Free Zones" around some schools here in the USA.

  5. There will be some changes in Israel's defense plans you can bet on that. Armed ravers, what a thought.

  6. Sadly, most likely Mossad has been looking at perceived internal threats, like, oh, say certain politicians they didn't want being re-elected.

    And, seriously, Mossad's external views have most likely been severely hampered by international pressure to not look at external threats.

    Time, past time, for the Gaza and the West Bank to revert back to being part of Israel without the Palestinians.

  7. More on privately owned firearms in Israel.

  8. Wild, I'm holding off on commenting on this weird and hideous Tet Offensive of a thing but our friend Klaus? What can I say, of course they haven't planned anything out.

    That aside, seriously, why would Hamas kill a bunch of ravers, just pure savagery? Mahdi style? Huh, maybe so.

  9. Exactly, DOS.

    Active duty apparently have to have a firearm on their person but no to the gen. pop. They were unarmed. What a bitter lesson.

    Seems they're arming the civilians now. Day late, dollar short, eh?

  10. I know, pewster, and I feel raves are cancelled in southern Israel right about now.

    Kyrie eleison.

  11. Good call, Mr. Beans, and I think that's going to happen. No more Gaza. What follows remains to be seen.

  12. Thanks for the link, RHT. Yes, it's bad.

  13. Pure evil cowardice perpetrated on the innocent and helpless by a bunch of angry 15th Century throwbacks forever fighting over a patch of dirt (not giving it short-shrift, yes, it is more than that simple characterization). Time to wipe the planet of this scum...with whatever means necessary to achieve one head cut off the Hydra.

    We had palpable peace and prosperity through strength and guts under PDJT while The Weakish Deranged Dem's said he was the warmonger and would get us into wars. Now look what The Feckless have intentionally wrought in short order; chaos everywhere.

    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a's a Reprobate Mentally Ill China Owned Democrat.

    God, please stop the insanity.

  14. Totally agree, Paul.

    That in mind, let's see how Operation Iron Swords unfolds.

    Wouldn't want to be in Gaza.
