Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Doors


These are the bronze doors of St. John Lateran, they're over 2000 years old and were the doors of the Roman Curia before they were brought to the Church. Think, Julius Caesar walked through them. Ave.

Reflect on that, punters.



PS. And note how much better their craftsmanship was than ours today, devolution anyone? While you're at it, look at those brazen doors and ask, "Did the Romans mean business?" You better believe they did.


  1. Sidewalk crouches at her feet.

  2. He did have a way with words, Wild.

    As I understand it, his dad, the admiral, was part of the Liberty thing, also Tonkin, and was never promoted after the former.

    Jim, remarkably to me, went to an RCC seminary but didn't last long. But what do I know.

    Imagine Caesar walking through those doors and here they are today at St. John Lateran. I find that amazing.

  3. DOS, WWW's right in the x ring with that.

  4. Good question, drjim, weighty for sure.

  5. Let us honourably acknowledge that Dr. Jim's comment had considerably more class than mine.

    But what's the sense in being me if I can't act like it?

    As far as being in the X-ring. I put one in the ten-ring on Saturday. On the adjacent target. The result of which lost me 12 points for the day, instead of just two points lost to 9's on the correct target. The winner dropped three points. That's what me being me looks like. Oooopsie!

  6. Oh my, Wild, I remember a day in Basic when I did just that. Got right roasted...

    Weird thing, I was a good shot when I was a kid (marksman .303), bad shot in the army and now a decent shot. Huh. Obvious timeline confusion.
