Sunday, October 22, 2023

Sunday Poetry Slam


Wow. You no sooner throw down a Haiku Challenge than the commentariat replies with verve and talent. Check this out, sheer awesomeness from Wild:

I eat the donuts
Glazed and chocolate ones too
Sometimes blueberry

Welfare music plays
Taxpayers buy them for me
Meanwhile, I snarf more

Help me Joe Biden
My welfare is running out
Feed me more donuts

Whoa, well done Wild, that's a veritable ode. Then there's Red, going free-form and evocative. Here:

Fireflies in the maple
Deep dark woods
Hot tea on the porch

Not to be outdone, Anon Mike_C offers us this gem:

Front windows rolled down.
Why, when fifty-two degrees?
Nigerian Uber

Not shabby, eh? And Paul gets down to it, in homage to Red's inimitable verse:

Chaos sown every day
Are you not entertained
Have a donut

What can I say.  Sorry, Kerouac, we got you beat. But who am I to judge, this one's for LL and perhaps it'll resonate with you too:


A sharp bayonet
Dark prints in the forest snow
Moonlight gleams on ice

Keep 'em coming.

Your Old Friend,



  1. This one is from North Korea-

    I think that I will never see,
    A donut tasty as a tree.

  2. Love them all.
    Be safe and God bless.

  3. "Are you not entertained?"

    That was surgical!

  4. LL, I sense limerick/haiku fusion? Those pesky Norks.

  5. What talent, Linda! I like them all too but Wild's verse stands out, imo.

  6. Most definitely, Wild, good work from Paul.

  7. Blind squirrel...unlike the others who clearly understand the guidelines...theirs evoked an immediate minds-eye visual. But back atcha for the thought-provoking prompt, I'm convinced you were one guy who aced college-level English, especially the classics.

    Thing is, I can't help think like an engineer...had no idea about a Haiku since the fifth grade (seriously), so just copied format and tossed it out there with obvious "Gladiator" on the brain overtones (donut=bread). Is that being a poseur? heh

  8. Most excellent, Paul. Haikus... heh.

    And yes, I was pretty "lit" and read a lot, still do. Never wrote any fiction worth speaking about though, maybe I should try and change that. Hmmmmm.

  9. In Бахмут town,
    Мясорубка hums all day,
    Sausages for all.

  10. Mr. or Mrs. Anon, what excellent if sobering verse.

    Seriously, what an awful tragedy. I won't go on.
