Thursday, August 17, 2023

Cultural Appropriation!


En lieu of anything remotely serious, hey, it's 109*. And here's another, via Swankenstein:

Brother's fed up. Seems like our boy's struck a chord. Let's see it rise up, black rappers onside.

Your Old Pal,



  1. I read the other day a bunch of Native Americans (the culture formerly known as Indians) were demanding that the Washington Commies change the team name back to Redskins.

    And everyone here knows I don't have the intellect to have made that up.

  2. Duping alienated workers who are “selling their souls” for “bulls—t pay” to channel their frustration towards overweight round fudge eating food-stamp recipients rather than the anti-worker lobbyists, compliant GOP lawmakers, and union-busting employers who put them there isn’t exactly a new concept of the right wing think tanks. Maybe that’s why so many of them raced to promote the song. Those elite parlor sitting rich men north and south of Richmond should surely be proud of this guy.

  3. Good call, RJW, but maybe it's both and? That's what I got from the song. Right with you on "elite parlor sitting rich men north and south of Richmond" though. Just imagine the shine on those tasseled loafers.

    Still, in fairness to Red Beard, he's just turned down an 8M$ contract, so.

    Slightly off topic(ish) -- since when and why did the Left become so anti worker? I know, big question and there's several answers, but it's a curious thing. Kinda Cultural IdentiPol Marxism meets massive corporate wealth.

    Sounds a bit like Fascism, albeit rainbow hued.

  4. I certainly agree it’s a big question and like most political debates, policies, or legislation, there are several answers but yes, the money trail is rather damning.

    Selling the concept that chocolates with food stamps is the culprit (or steak or lobster or welfare Cadillacs) is taking the eye off of actual policy, legislation, and seating of officials and judges that got us here over the last 50+ years and has seemed to exploded in recent years. I could fill this page with examples but I challenge you to review the credentials of the Biden picks for the NLRA compared to Trump’s. And that’s barely the tip of the iceberg.

    It’s my opinion that Democratic lawmakers never became anti worker but rather took them for granted under the premise they had little choice at the voting booth. Hillary picking pro-right to work Tim Kanye for VP is an example, a wink-wink to the Federalist Society, Heritage, Koch Foundation, et al while knowing Unions would never endorse Trump.

    I think Bill Maher summed it up best:

    “ There is a big difference between a disappointing friend and a deadly enemy. Of course the Democrats are disappointing. That's what makes them Democrats. If they were any more frustrating they'd be your relatives. But in this country they are all that stands between you and darkest night. You know why their symbol is the letter 'D'? Because it's a grade that means good enough, but just barely. You know why the Republican symbol is 'R'? Because it's the noise a pirate makes when he robs you and feeds you to a shark.”

  5. Well said, RJW. Mind you, I've noticed many of my US prog/left friends (they're not lawmakers btw) become increasingly anti-worker. Why? Not least because of college or quasi college imbued snobbery, "Look at you, you ignorant redneck Nazis, you don't even understand sushi much less puberty blockers."

    Such snobbery, which I HATE, and partly caused by my friends' indoctrination into late term cultural Marxist identipol. As in, "Hey, look, we didn't get a proletarian uprising so we'll shift focus to..." etc. My UK pals are curiously more balanced.

    Regardless, it's not dissimilar in the end, I'd say, to your good choc/caddy point. "Look at us, we have trans bathrooms, so rejoice, serf." Deflects from the name of the game, eh, which is raising us all up to a better, more flourishing life.

    Forgive the ramble and I won't get any further into the weeds but yes, excellent D & R point. I might have to quote you.

    Oh, have you watched Dore on the Red Beard song? He speaks to some of your points, perhaps. Check it out:

    PS. I find Dore kind of annoying, but still.

  6. Excellent remix! Chris Webby - North Of Richmond (Remix)
