Thursday, January 12, 2023

The Smoke Of Satan


Well look at this. A man with a beard pretending to be a woman, who's pretending to be a Christian, in a church dedicated to a God he doesn't believe in. And that's just it, people pretending to be something they don't believe in anyway. It's a very grave and blasphemous mockery, to put it politely.

Do you think, gentle readers, that God can be mocked and scorned with impunity, any more than reality itself can be? Of course not, impudent, self-willed, delusional, satanic pride always crashes on the rock of that which is, He who is. Go on, try it yourself and see if I'm not right.

In the meanwhile, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church, watched on in this instance by what appears to be a junior Elton John. Is it an Episcopal Church? Looks like it and if so, once an Anglo-Catholic church, note the Crucifix on the table masquerading as an Altar.

I tell you, they heap burning coals upon their heads.



  1. I'm not a churchgoer and that picture revolts me.

  2. Sickening.

    My dad was a Lutheran preacher. He was ordained in the Augustana Synod (Swedish American church), which later merged with the Finnish Lutheran Church to become the Lutheran Church in America, which eventually merged with another synod to become the current ELCA. Thankfully, he died before the ELCA voted to ordain homosexuals--it would have killed him.

    As an aside, if you search for ELCA tornado, you will find that at the meeting where the ELCA approved the homos, a tornado came out of a clear blue sky and tore off the belltower of the church which hosted the synod meeting, dropping the bell tower in the street. Bright blue sunny sky, no storm anywhere, no other tornados reported.

    Seems like a pretty good indication of God's will. Of coures the participants said God was with them because the tower did not fall on anyone. He who has ears let him hear.

  3. But on the bright side, Pope Francis is cracking down on the Latin Mass because of unity.....or something.

    These are really trying times for all believers. Will we have to worship in the catacombs again for fear of the State?

  4. Homosexual Clown Satanic of them.

  5. Coming to a RC church near you soon if the current path continues.

    What has our gracious host said about gnawing demons?

  6. Sickening is right. One hopes these atrocities are stopped.

  7. Those Lucys are gonna have some 'splaining to do.

  8. I have attempted to find some meaning to this onslaught of utter madness in the world. History is replete with the to-be-expected sins of society. And the Church has had its fill also, where possibly it shouldn't.

    Except for those who intend to worship and serve the devil, those who pursue "something" in life are being found by something that is constantly in pursuit of them. And they are likely blind to being found by this evil.

  9. I'm sorry, WSF, it really isn't right, at all. And what's with the dam priest, sitting there? Needs a slapping, imo.

  10. Oh my, Anon, I did not know that.

    I have several Lutheran friends who are utterly dismayed at the apostasy of the denom. Is it, do you think, a judgement on the reformation? Possibly, but the RC's are within a hair's breadth of the same. Point being, this evil thing is ecumenical.

    Keep the Faith.

  11. We might well end up in just that place, Infidel. Not kidding.

    Btw, I love the Latin Mass (readings in English). Novus or other rite? The Brompton Oratory does the former well, nearly joined that crew.

  12. LL, you're being polite and I appreciate that.

  13. Exactly, DOS.

    It's all an ironic larf 'til you wake up and there's a demon...

  14. Please, NFO, activate your Air Wing and sort it out. I've asked LL but he's busy in the Highlands.
