Friday, January 13, 2023



What's with all the blackface going on these days? Like we're living in some kind of postwar musical? Good Lord, we've got Justine Trudeau masquerading as a Moor. Kyrie Eleison, why?

And Talcum X, great civil rights leader of our time

And Rachel Dolezal. Black as the Ace of Spades, except she isn't.

Now this. Nibiiwakamigkwe, real name Kay LeClair, has been running around presenting zhirself as an American Indian, a queer one no less. Quite the Rainbow Hiawatha, but the problem is Kay's white, she's no more "indigenous peoples" than I am.

But what am I saying. My Great Grandfather was part Cherokee, Oklahoma, and looked it too. He blamed everything on the Communists and loved Hal Lindsey's Late Great Planet Earth. He was surely right on the former if wrong in the latter.

In the meanwhile we've got these mountebanks parading about pretending they're black. I'd call that racist, but perhaps you disagree with the logic of the Compound?

Your Best Pal,



  1. Like anything the government touches incentivize something and you get more of it. Incentivize unwed motherhood with payments to fatherless families under welfare and you get more of it, and destroy American Negroes for at least a generation or 3. Incentivize being indigenous and people will try to take advantage of it...hmm Elizabeth Warren anybody? All it takes is an incentive and someone with no ethics.

  2. My dad always claimed his big toe was Indian, but I've never done a test to tell me if he was right. :)
    You all be safe and God bless.

  3. Linda, I think maybe 1/8 of my big toe's Cherokee! Still, there it is.

  4. Ed, we can put it another way, anything the Left proposes or enacts produces the exact opposite of its intended result.

    I think that's pretty much true.

  5. LSP, I would propose one small change to your reply to WSF and me.

    from:"anything the Left proposes or enacts produces the exact opposite of its intended result."

    to: anything the Left proposes or enacts produces the exact opposite of its publicized expected result.

    The reason for the suggested substitution is that I firmly believe the left intends to foster anything that leads to more reliance on the government from the population. It gives them more power.

  6. Good call, Ed. I'd cut "expected" because it's contained within "publicized." Let's refine this axiom!

    And yes, the Left is about power and always has been. This "naked aggression" and hatred was clear from the Bolshevik moment on, and it's clear now. They're unstated demonic nihilists. But what am I saying, they're stating their allegiance as I type.

    Great will be the fall of them.

  7. I self-identify as Martian. And it's shocking how you Earthers are oppressing us! Always landing on our planet and leaving garbage behind!

  8. Ah, Infidel, a Martian. Would that be a Tall Nordic or a Grey? Just asking.
