Friday, December 2, 2022

Small Change Charity


The Pick 'n Steal hasn't changed much over the years and I should know, I walk there pretty much every day for coffee after Morning Prayer. A bit samey perhaps, so I've decided to change things up.

Now, instead of leaving the P 'n S, 20 oz tumbler of coffee in hand and walking with urgency back to the Compound, I stop and put some change on a metal box fixed to the side of the shop.

Day 2, there's lots more now, untouched so far

It's a kind of experiment. How much change will accumulate before someone takes it? So far no one has and what does this mean? That our small farming community's rich and doesn't need the money? Hardly. That P 'n S customers aren't thieving scoundrels? If only that were true.

Let's see how this exciting exercise in small change charity unfolds. Hey, every penny counts and get 'em quick before our benevolent rulers ban cash. Speaking of charity, I put in some time at the food bank the other day, helping to unload a truck-full of food for the needy.

What a lot of food! Turkeys, chicken, ham, canned goods, delicious fish and on, not least boxes of farm fresh produce. Great result and it was good to help out for a good cause. We don't want to encourage scrounging malfeasance but neither do we want to see people going hungry.

Just a random small business shut down. Thanks, asset-strippers

They say clergy should spend time outside their churches doing good in the community. I'd agree with that and must do more. It was, you recall, the way of the early church.




  1. Bless you, Parson. My SLW volunteers at the local Mission who help the poor and indigent get back on their feet.

  2. We have to put out, drjim. It's even in the Good Book, "Love the Lord your God... and neighbor as yourself."

  3. Be sure to take a picture every time you leave change, Parson.
    I wonder if anyone will add to what you left?

    You all be safe and God bless.

  4. "The kindness of strangers." Nice homily today, Parson, perhaps a better example.

    We should all of us do more. But keep your hand on your wallet. I don't necessarily see any conflict in the two.

  5. That's a very good question, Linda. No one has so far and the experiment's been running for almost a week. I'm surprised the coins are still there, to be honest.

  6. Thanks, Wild, and sound advice.
