Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Cheese Slides Off Cracker


I took the call this morning, "LSP, this is getting off-hook, there's bad crazy weirdness everywhere, you couldn't make it up if you tried. Like the guy in a dress who's in charge of nuclear power, there he is, stealing women's luggage at the airport."

"Like for what?" I asked, "For the dresses?" A short silence, "Yes, exactly. Then there's the Admiral, Dick Levine. He's just this old man dressed up like a woman, but everyone knows he's not a woman, it's obvious, like Bruce Jenner."

But we're supposed to think the evidence of our senses is wrong, utterly wrong, because science meets rainbow and anything else is literal Nazism. Wow, watch out for those biology Fascists all you neutered soy serfs of the NWO. But back to the point.

We thought about this for a minute or two and my friend came up with a solution, it's what he does, "This insanity's too deep, it's beyond our expertise, we have to hand it over to the professionals." I agreed, "We're not up to it on this side of the divide, we don't have the skills." He agreed, "We don't, God needs to take them home, this is beyond us."

Apparently it is. When something so basic as the difference between a man and a woman is seemingly beyond our grasp, then we have to apply to a Higher Power. How he sorts that out is another thing again. In the meanwhile, gentle readers, don't forget that Baphomet, the demon, is trans.

And a minor aside. Why, if biology's so unimportant in the gender scheme of things, do people pay so much money to alter it to become a surgical/chemical parody of their opposite sex? Could it be that demons are driving this? See pronouns They/Them or in other words, we are legion.

Vade Retro,



  1. Another good post, LSP, Putin and the Chinese leader must look at these photos and laugh themselves silly, especially the one with Biden's 2 clowns, one in skirt uniform and the other in a short dress.😂 😆
    God help America!

  2. Do we believe vocal proponents of those people do not see and understand the non-human nature?How bent does a mind have to be to consider normal a mustached man person wearing lipstick, a dress and heels? When the day arrives and a voice whispers in each and every ear, "I told you"...

  3. The Skipper and Gilligan should have stayed on the island from the looks of things.

  4. Glenn Beck's story--

  5. Sodom and Gomorrah are all around us. I sometimes hope the Judgement would hurry up and get here.
    Southern NH

  6. The Biden administration in one post.

    Brinton enjoys the click of his stilettos on our hallowed Congressional hall marble floors. Me…excuse me Lord… but someone needs to throttle this mentally ill creature and knock some sense into him.

    Lord have mercy.

  7. Anon, it's beyond a joke.

    Russia's rather sensibly banned rainbow agitprop.

  8. Sgt., there'll be a reckoning and a terrible one at that. In the meanwhile, things have gotten right degenerate, eh?

  9. Nearly choked on m'claret, Wild!

  10. It's really bad and getting worse, Infidel.

    Kyrie Eleison.

    And the Church? Effectively silent or part of the problem.

  11. Anon, if it were going well we should be worried. As it is, let's prepare for the Advent which will come as a thief in the night.

  12. Paul, LL's take is this -- we don't have the expertise this side of eternity to deal with such utter derangement. So let God take them home, where professionals can sort them out.

    I agree with that and yes, Lord have mercy. Kyrie.

  13. He went to the carousel to steal. He had no checked baggage. The bag sells for $2,300.00. Someone like me wouldn't know that. Apparently, he knew how valuable and desirable the bag was and grabbed it, ripped the tag off and hurried away with it.
    My explanation of this is worded differently in other places. HERE I am more Gentle with my words.
    Really neat thing, leaving change in view.

  14. He definitely did, Justin. And 2.3k for the dam bag? I didn't know that. Being polite here too, but the whole thing's really off-hook.

    Let's see how the change goes, all there as of today and added to, the pile of small coins grows.
