Tuesday, October 25, 2022

God's Judgement


Here we are, running out our few score years until eternity and judgement. How will that fall? Are you good, bad or somewhere in between? Somewhere in between, probably, and that middle ground, neither hot nor cold, equates to being spat out because heaven doesn't admit imperfection.

What can we do, then, but fall down and beg for mercy like the tax collector. God hears this prayer, from a humble and contrite heart, and lifts us up, exalts us to union with Himself. And herein lies divine judgement.

You're either for God or against Him, for life, beauty, truth and all that's good taken to absolute perfection, or you're not. To put it another way, you're either for that which is or that which isn't. Your call, and lest there be confusion, if you go against reality itself, God, it won't go well for you. Judgement. So, on which side of the baseball bat of reality do we fall?

There's only one answer, cry out for mercy, and here we find great hope. The Prodigal is embraced by the Father, the tax collector justified, the thief on the cross lifted to heaven, the sinner redeemed. Reality itself, God, is yes, implacable but Reality reveals himself to be personal, loving and merciful. Judgement, reminds Farrer, runs out into mercy.

Point being? There's hope for us all. See LL for a solid homily on judgement.




  1. It's a good thing that LL won't do the judging.

  2. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, and your house.

    You all be safe and God bless.

  3. People often ask me if given the corruption and scandal (sexual and otherwise) in the Catholic Church it weakens my faith.

    Actually it strengthens it. Name one purely HUMAN institution that can last 2,000 years being led by such a band of idiots.

    And while I have my doubts about Cardinal Dolan I will say this: Unlike many of his fellow traveler bishops he has not cracked down on the Latin mass (at least not publicly. I have no idea if any pressure is being wages behind the scenes.)

  4. Well said. Let he that is without sin cast the first stone...

  5. And so they did at the Crucifixion, NFO, cast those stones against the Savior himself. Imagine the lake of fire. Terrifying and cautionary, eh?

  6. I didn't know that about Dolan, Infidel. Well done him, and yes, proof positive.

    Remember #VaticanGrindr? Dear Lord.

  7. Yes, LL, but as Vicar General? Different story, surely.

    Seriously, excellent brace of homilies at VM which, curiously, are making their rounds online and rightly so. Good stuff. Totally agree with the "litmus test."

    That in mind, what kind of judgement can a a people or society expect which murders its children in the womb?

  8. One of your best posts LSP.
    The sermon, the photography, the audio, the icon...Chilling, or maybe brightening, but not depressing, somehow; in spite of the subject matter.
    And yes, I went straight to VM to read the LL version.

  9. Thanks, Anon, that's high praise. Just a short and not very precise homily, but note the quote from Austin Farrer. "Judgement runs out into mercy," we mustn't forget that.

    And LL's thoughts are, to my mind, right on target. I was simply adding another aspect to the theme.

    God bless.
