Thursday, August 18, 2022

What A Good Couple Of Days


It started as it often does, with a drive down I35 to the Metrosprawl, but this time in a V8 Beast, result. Objective? Set up at Dallas HQ then visit with the Bishop the next day and, the day after that go for a post-op checkup at a medico in Plano.

Two orders of business, several possible orders of outcome. So perhaps I was a little... pensive, how would it go? It went well. Had a great meeting with our outstanding new(ish) Bishop, which found financial security for Mission #1. No small thing, I live there.

And the Doc was helpful too, "You know, that was a pretty serious operation and you're healing way better than expected, I'm surprised." Result, and I drove back to base through the Tollway wasteland of North Dallas in good spirits.

Seriously, surgery's a deal. I know, we're all Warriors, but still, it's helpful to have the thing checked off by a doctor. He's Christian, to boot, and asked for permission to pray before the op, "Of course you can, I'm a priest." And there you have it, back to the sylvan boulevards of Old Hill County tomorrow.

Drive Safe,



  1. Praise God! Glad to hear it Parson. Be safe and God bless.

  2. Glad you're feeling okay. I know what it is to be in a hospital for surgery (I had a cardiac procedure last year).

    And may your health continue to be good!

  3. Glad to hear that you are doing well after your surgery and that your Bishop is supportive. Blue is looking good also!☺ God Bless you and your family Parson.

  4. Glad all is working out Faith and health-wise.

    Speaking of Blue, how's the cat doing?

  5. Glad to hear things are working out health wise!

  6. I've done the hernia thing. Wasn't any fun, glad to hear yours is working out well.

  7. Linda, I was happy! You know, not having any experience to gauge against, can be worrying. But all's well. Bless you.

  8. Infidel, I appreciate that.

    Yours too!

    Surgery's kind of a deal, my second in 4 years. Enough.

  9. Thanks, Anon, kind of you. Blue's older but still vastly immature unlike, ahem, his master...

  10. Good question, DOS, haven't seen CAT for a few weeks. Hope he hasn't been eaten.

  11. Thanks, WSF, all seems in order, thank God.
