Friday, August 12, 2022

Broumas Memorial Park

Well it's all fine and dandy until a literal TANK starts rolling. I know you know, but there it is, these massive beasts, rolling on, and utter respect to LT. COL Broumas. He died in '69 with a chestful of medals and grateful vets set up a memorial park in Fort Hood. Look, here's a Priest:

And a tank. Note the Fiddy

Low Pro? Yet another Fiddy (above) and some typical Sov rubbish from Iraq. Check it out:

 Jagdpanzers in UKR? Still, what a massive beast. But I like this little fella, handy range taxi, eh?

Panzers roll,



  1. Impressive. Whenever I see those beasts I think of all the maintenance required to keep them running.

    One time passing Ft Riley on I-70 a M1000 trailer was on the shoulder with at least six flat tires. About the same number of disgruntled soldiers were sitting on the ground with their backs to the trailer.

  2. It's important to drag back war trophies.

    Much like the Predators in the movies, I do take trophies - not animal heads though. But war trophies appeal to my sense of predation.

  3. PS - I also have death cards to leave behind on the battlefield. Call me an old sentimenaist. Maybe soon, challenge coins.

  4. I visited Fort Hood's Red Thrust site when I was an intel expert (cough) 45 years ago. The folks there fired up a T-62. It rattled and threw out smoke like a smoke generator. All the Red Army vehicles seemed to have unfinished surfaces. I thought, "Man, the Russkies really put out some junk." Then I applied my S2 mind and said, "Yeah, and look what they've done with that junk." Appearances, deceiving, etc.

  5. You would become much less enamored of that Gamma Goat had you road marched 200 miles on one. Noisy, uncomfortable, HOT, fairly slow and a PITA to keep on course. Not to mention breakdown
