Saturday, July 9, 2022

You Dirty Little Beast!


Guns are great, we love them, they spell freedom and they're awesome in and of themselves, plus they're fun to shoot. But here's the thing, if you shoot them they get dirty, filthy dirty, and if you don't clean them they don't work. Useless.

Deadly gas guns especially. Great fun, no doubt about it, and all very well regulated militia, but they're a pain to clean, thanks a lot, gas impingement system. Still, it works and works well, if you can afford the ammo, which is questionable for most.

In related news, the people of Sri Lanka rose up and overthrew their dirty, corrupt, GloboHomo Green Government, chasing their beloved GreenCorpRainbow leader out of the country, and who can blame them? No more farms or food for you, serfs, we're going green! Pan to enraged mob storming presidential palace.

A harbinger of things to come? That in mind, a clean gun is a happy gun.




  1. And they burnt the house down of some other biggie there, too.

    Gotta get an AR-15 manual. Just for my library, you understand.

  2. It's been quite the week for GreenGloboHomo, drjim. Who knows, maybe the movement's gonna get traction.

    And what a useful manual. I had it my library, which was tragically burned down in a forest fire.

  3. Look like the Sri Lankans burning down somebody else's library where it will do 'em some good,
    "if they can keep it" as Ben Franklin said.

    Now, as to cleaning carbon, I'll just leave this right here:

    Not convinced using that stuff in an "average shooter grade barrel" is maybe the best thing but I've been using it in "good" barrels, and it seems to work, for me, but as always, YMMV.

  4. @ WWW--

    Interesting vid. I've watched some of Erik's other vids as well. He is cutting edge and knows his stuff.

    Not sure I would want to try CLR as bore cleaner (well, net yet anyway) but for parts like AR bolts, might be worth a try.

    I notice that after the CLR he says "...and then start your procedure as you normally would". So now cleaning the barrel is a two step process. My favorite bore cleaner for decades has been this stuff--

    I run a wet bronze brush through the bore a few times, then let the rifle stand on the muzzle on a folded paper towel overnight. Removes carbon, powder residue, and copper. Follow with a wet patch, then dry patches. Done. I don't worry about getting the bore surgically sterile. Even if I did, it would only be that way for the first shot. Also--

    1)Hose off your brush with brake cleaner so the bore cleaner doesn't "eat" the brush.
    2) Those worn out brushes make the best patch holders you could hope for. Just wrap a single layer around the brush.

  5. RHT, I'm gonna give your recommendation a try. I'm not totally sold on anything forever and ever by any means.

    I think what Cortina means to say is, there's carbon fouling/build up and there's also copper fouling/build up and the CLR only attacks the carbon. Which, by the way, a pretty good barrel maker - I don't have his permission to identify him so I won't - told me that carbon is a worse destroyer of accuracy than copper.

    Here's an interesting discussion about barrel cleaning with Cortina and a PRS shooter you may want to have a look at. Pretty long but a lot of meat to it:

    And then this one with Cortina interviewing benchrest legend Speedy Gonzales about his cleaning methods, altogether a different take:

  6. First thought on Sri Lanka: Hey, Democrats! You want to see what a real insurrection looks like?

    We know they do not, but a little education is always good.

  7. Arg! Brain fart, left out a step above. Immediately before standing the rifle on the muzzle, I take one of those bent tip eye droppers and suck up a half inch of there abouts of bore cleaner, then hold the rifle muzzle down and squirt the bore cleaner into the chamber, pretty much flooding the bore.

  8. Yep, a clean gun is a 'happy' gun. Re Sri Lanka, I wonder how much of the country's money he took when he escaped...

  9. Thanks for the tip, Wild. And who knows what other countries will follow their lead? Perhaps Holland, of all places.

  10. I save those worn out brushes for exactly the same thing, RHT.

  11. I was thinking that, Sgt.

    In the meanwhile, the wretchedly unwatched PR stunt show continues. It'd be risible if there weren't a lot of people still in jail after 17 months.


  12. Looked like a few big bags of... cash?
