Sunday, July 10, 2022

NCOs And All Of That

Respect, Utterly Failed Mission

Do you remember them, Old Skool NCOs? Arnhem veterans and beyond? They have a culture and a dam fine one too, backbone of the Army.  And they've passed that on. Utter respect.


That in mind, the young 'un's going on a "Leadership School" all next week, and's kinda nervous. "Good," I advised, "You should be nervous, give it all you got and don't give up."

Let The Reader Understand

Your Old Pal,



  1. Good luck and God bless him.

    And God bless you all.

  2. Quite right, get every skool they'll send you to, young troop, and make sure you do well in them, if you're going to make a career out of this.

    LSP, a question: The orificers (I presume) of the Black Watch, those carrying swords/sabers? No scabbards. Why not?

  3. Fine looking trooper. Hope he isn't crushed by the woke.

  4. He's on to bigger and better things, but there are many hoops to leap through, many mountains to climb, etc. He's doing well, let him know that I'm proud.

  5. Yep, proud of him for taking that next step!

  6. Me too, NFO! Let's see how this course goes.

  7. I'll pass that on, LL.

    He's also starting to read, BOOKS.

    This is remarkable.

  8. He's escaped that so far, WSF. Doesn't seem too much of a problem with his crew. Thank God.

  9. That's a very good question, Wild, and I don't know! Something practical to do with marching in combats perhaps?

    And yes, do those skools, young man.

  10. And with thy spirit, Linda.

  11. Stonewall Jackson said before the Civil War that when war comes, draw the sword and throw away the scabbard. Also read that was an old Irish proverb regarding attacking royalty, as in, if your insurrection failed, you wouldn't need the scabbard later. Given their history, kinda doubt that's the reason in this case, though....
