Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Term Limits Please


Do you remember how we used to scorn the Soviet Union for being a gerontocracy? My, how that worm's turned. Consider Diane Fienstein sitting not so pretty at 88, Nancy Pelosi at a nimble 82, Mitch McConnell a mere 80, yes this thing's bipartisan, and the Big Guy himself looking good at 79.

The list goes on and here we are, living in a nation run by a seemingly self-perpetuating class of ancient multi-millionaires. You'll note, gentle readers, that gerontocracy and kleptocracy rhyme.

Obey your rulers,



  1. Good Lord! In Feinstein’s case the expression “lizard people” is not just another anti-Semitic trope. Current DiFi actually looks reptilian.

  2. Been calling for term limits for decades, haven't we? The only thing we get is them voting themselves raises every year. Wonder how much they got the last time?

    Stay cool and be safe, Parson. God bless.

  3. Two problems with our masters come to mind: 1. Revolutionaries always become oppressors once they are in power. 2. These idiots ruling over us still think it's 1965.

  4. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss, except MUCH older now.

  5. I too am tired of being screwed by the same ugly fuglies. Send in some new ones !

  6. Mike, I have to agree with you. A case of outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual evil?

  7. Now that, Linda, is an excellent point. I may have to quote you.

  8. Infidel, I'm a bit disturbed. Are you somehow implying our Overlords shouldn't rule us? Forever?

  9. Well ain't that the truth, Wild. And let's not forget, "What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul."


  10. Yes, Kid, we need new blood!

    Hmmmmmm, that sounds bad, whatever.
