Saturday, June 18, 2022

Just Get Out And Shoot

Just a typical Texan range scene at a pal's ranch.  30 meters and have at it with assorted weaponry, .45s in this case. And what big fun, just you, the guns and the country under the big sky of the Lone Star State. Freedom.

Accuracy? Center mass on. Enjoyment? X Ring. Which means, as I survey this photo and others like it, shoot more, more often. Kudos btw to TC, who shot well on the day, a few years ago, and later moved to Ireland. He shoots well there too, favoring, I think, a German SxS. Nice.

Message to market, get out there in the country and shoot. Good for mind, body and soul.




  1. "Favor center"

  2. How did the US Army do at the compound's range? I have certain expectations of them but did they measure up?

  3. I'll be running the 100 yard line at the range today. Hope to see a lot of dads.

  4. I enjoy shooting outdoors. Lot more fun making milk jugs full of water explode, or jamming a .303 through the engine block of a junk car than putting holes in pieces of paper.

    Been a while.

  5. Until the whole macular degeneration business, shooting was a large part of my life. A great pleasure was introducing my sons. Oldest, autistic, learned to leave firearms along. Second son, not interested, but knows how and knows safety. Third son loved it. When he died his closet would equip an infantry squad.

  6. Must shoot more, Wild, have to say.

  7. They did well, LL, you would've approved and I know standards are high.

  8. Same here, Kid. Love outdoor random range shooting. Must do more of it more often.

  9. My eyes aren't getting any better either, WSF. But whatev, both my boys are naturals with firearms, though the eldest's more keen, the youngest prefers fishing, despite being a good shot. Knock that clay outta the sky, Kid, sort of thing. And he does.
