Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Typical Texas Street Scene


There was a cotton gin about a minute's walk from this well paved Texan street, right up into the '50s. Now it's gone because our asset-stripping, traitor overlords wanted moar money. But what happens when offshored industry supply chains become weaponized?

Don't say pay for your LNG in gold backed rubles, instead congratulate yourself on corporate utopian wokeness. Hey, you don't have a job, serf, but not to worry, Netflix has race quotas, perhaps you've seen it. There you are watching a late medieval historical drama and lo and behold, the Lord of the Manor's an African American. Far out, now we know.

The appalling Netflix has lost some $50 billion in revenue as of the other day, so maybe Elon's new Twitter can take up the slack? In the meanwhile leftist heads are exploding all over bi-coastal America, and pundits predict tectonic upheaval.

That's as maybe. But as we reflect on geology, since when did the Left become shills of Globo Big Corp? Since they went rainbow, obvs.




  1. Strange bedfellows, indeed.....

  2. Who benefits? It seems many leftists are in it for the money. Money dries up, they stop. Example is BLM and Antifa. So if funding these freaks and what benefit do they anticipate?

  3. Heard some interesting speculation on talk radio. Discussion was about how Apple pretty much has a lock on the app store market. Elon bought Twitter. Apple is not a fan. So what if Elon brings out his own Elon-phone?

  4. Ain't that the truth, drjim.

  5. Good question, WSF. We all know the direct beneficiaries of BLM/ANTIFA rioting, and it wasn't POCs, well, apart from a few who bought mansions off the windfall. I think someone with BIG research stamina needs to follow the money, not least in Ukraine.

    But be careful, get too close get suicided.

  6. RHT, maybe Elon will reinstate the mighty LSP account :)
