Thursday, April 28, 2022

Ice Cream Van Reflection


An ice cream van, remember those? wends its way through the leafy streets of this bucolic Texan haven. It's a noisy thing and I happen to know it peddles rather more than refreshing ices, maybe the cops will shut it down, please.

Speaking of which, there was a bust outside the Pick 'n Steal (Shamrock filling station) this evening. A couple of Tahoes, lights strobing, a POC with his shorts hanging low cuffed on the back of a beat up Honda, and a "caucasian female" 'splainin' to the Blue. Uh huh. 

Right Sector, which the Left supports, curiously

I didn't stop because I had a Mass to catch but you can imagine the low-level failed heist scenario. Whatev, the PnS is always getting ripped off, maybe the Nepalese who own it need to hire private security. 

In related news, our Beloved Leader wants to send $33 BILLION to Ukraine. Leaving aside the knotty question "why do they need the money when they're so clearly, obviously and literally winning" we have to ask. Who benefits from this?

What level of satanic insanity is this?

Don't say DC consultancies, firms like Raytheon, corrupt politicians and the whole MIC. No, say freedom loving people everywhere. War, it's said, is a racket and that wouldn't be so bad, perhaps, if it didn't actually kill people. 

In the old days leftists were against war, do you remember that?

Your Old Pal,



  1. Comrade, war is always moral when Democrats occupy the White House.

    Just wish I knew which Democrat was President as it obviously isn't Ice Cream Joe.

  2. Leftists are against whatever they're told to be against.

  3. Satanic insanity indeed, but, the question circles back, where you gonna get your radars, and the very best in kinder, gentler, fire control systems?

  4. Asked elsewhere--

    "Will the KC-135 Stratotanker become the KC-135A Strato-recharger?"

  5. Now that, Infidel, is a very good question. Just who is the hand behind the puppet?

  6. Are you saying they're NPCs, Kid? I agree.

  7. But Ritchie, we all know, Raytheon, the greenest of killing machines. Heck, they even have a pro-trans hiring policy. You can imagine, "We've just all been killed but at least it was from tech developed by trannies."


  8. RHT, I understand the US military is switching to electric golf carts in the near future.
