Sunday, February 6, 2022

Keep On Trucking

Looks like Turin's had enough of their Health Stasi overlords. Try to imagine the sheer Nazism of people who want to eat food together, outside and without masks.


Then there's Paris. Just look at all those Brownshirts marching, Himmler would be proud. But Canada's the epicenter of this volkisch putsch against our beloved GloboCap leaders, what's going on there?

In sum, Fascist insurrection's everywhere and the Mayor of Ottawa's even called a state of emergency. Who can blame him, the Sturmabteilung comes complete with bouncy castles.

In breaking news, Ottawa's Staatspolizei have declared anyone giving aid to the racist, transphobic, violent, extremist, intolerant truckers illegal. Let's see how that pans out. In the meanwhile, maybe Boat Nazis will blockade Halifax harbour.




  1. If the Mayor of Ottawa had any, well, you know, he'd be out there in the streets yelling bool-schidt like his fellow free Canadians. Show some leadership, eh?

  2. I'm afraid the Mayor's part of the problem, Wild, and then there's city councilpersyn Diane Deans. She's calling the truckers "terrorists."

    These people are insane.

  3. The only thing needed is for all officials who abrogated freedoms under the guise of health and safety is to meet up with a rail and some tar & feathers and be shown the towns exit. Ahh, the good old days when that was possible to ceremoniously right serious wrongs and reset back to center.

  4. I saw a clip of the bouncer castles, this extremism MUST STOP!!! Think of the children!
