Sunday, February 6, 2022

Hold The Line


Ottawa police raided the Freedom Convoy's HQ on Coventry Road this evening, seizing fuel and making two arrests. Trucker organizers called the police action "inconsequential" on social media:

Approx. two hours ago, Ottawa police showed up in a very aggressive show of force, there was probably 100 police officers in tactical gear with snipers on the roof. I'm very pleased to report all of our truckers, kept their composure.

It was extremely peaceful, they came in they took the fuel - which was their intent - their intent was to come in and confiscate the fuel that we have, that was donated, or purchased to be distributed to the trucks. 

However, I am pleased to say that that has no impact on our ability to continue operations whatsoever. It was absolutely inconsequential. I believe that I was very critical mistake on their part. It had no impact on our operations but it certainly raised morale within the people that are at Coventry. I'm very proud of the way our truckers conducted themselves, peacefully.

Tomorrow I will be making a public statement to outline what we think will be a very measured, reasonable way forward. We believe it to be responsible, safe, and we would like to make this statement to try to get interested parties to a negotiating table.


Really, snipers on the roof, just in case all that bouncy castle Nazism got out of hand? You'd almost think there was an element of wish fulfillment going on. After all, City Council persyn Diane Wheeler's on the record calling the Convoy "terrorists." In the meanwhile, Ottawa police are exempt from Trudeau's vax mandate. Go figure.

Elements of Team LSP are at the Alberta/Montana border, where they've joined Sikhs, cowboys, farmers, truckers and patriots at Coutts to protest GloboCap tyranny and its Health Stasi.

Stay tuned and hold the line,


And btw:


  1. Civil disobedience is a birthright of free people, IMO. Oh, Canada!

  2. Trudeau must receive some credit. For the first time in their history, Canadians have become interesting. HONK!HONK!

  3. Yea, I'd like to see em try towing 100,000 cars blocking all the intersections.

  4. My motto from the beginning of this plandemic has be MLK Jr. and Ghandi - peaceful, non-violent, non-cooperation. I will not wear a mask. I will not get the jab, and I will support those of a like mind. My family and I will continue to live our lives as God-fearing Christians.


  5. Shut up serfs! Get back in your pods and eat all of your bug paste and Soylent Green® or you won't get tofutti for desert!

  6. So, they are trying to freeze them out now? That is pathetic!



  8. What is the Team LSP spy saying from the front lines?
