Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Neil Young Joe Rogan Throwdown

Super talented awesome pop star Neil Young, as in old man take a look at your life, has blasted alt-celeb Joe Rogan, telling the famous ball-cap wearing podcaster to get off Spotify or "he will." What? Old Shaky's gonna take all his music off Spotify unless Rogan stops defying the COVID narrative?

Something like that. At one point Neil Young was a standard bearer for a movement which threatened to crush the establishment, which stuck it to the Man. And now? OBEY ME OR GET CENSORED.

Ugly Then, Ugly Now

Which makes us ask, was Neil a two-bit Stalinist all along? What can I say, down by the river.




  1. Neil Young? Who cares, other than Neil Young?

  2. Neil Young doesn't actually own his music. His record company does. He tried to pull this stupid stunt when President Trump used some of his music, and he tried to sue President Trump. Young lost, since Trump's staff paid the record company for the use of the music, and there wasn't a damn thing Young could do about it.

    So Young can have his little evil snowflake old-hippie hissy fit, but Spotify needs to tell him where to shove it, and how hard to shove it while he is at it.

  3. Nothing sadder than aging revolutionaries. It's not 1970 anymore Neil. You can see tin solders and Nixon coming all you want but the world has moved on.

  4. Maybe if he threatened to move out of the USA. I mean, like, that would be devastating, no?

  5. I hope Neil Young will remember, Southern man don't need him around anyhow.

  6. I wanted to be the one to quote Lynyrd Skynyrd.

  7. Hey Neil! Nice toque you hoser. Take off! Eh.

  8. LOL, good by Young... your 15 minutes of fame are LONG over...

  9. I sorta liked Gastby, Steele & Gnash, as they were called down on The Boulevard, despite their left-wing proclivities, but Yang was a total waste of guitar strings as far as I was concerned.

  10. Feel good post of the day


    Spotify to Pull Neil Young’s Music After Artist’s Objections to Joe Rogan

    The artist is expected to lose 60 percent of his streaming revenue by pulling his catalogue off of Spotify.

    Just makes me feel warm all over. And it's 0 degrees outside. Nuke feil young

  11. I know, WSF, it's bizarre. He sure is ugly, too.

  12. Anon, GOOD CALL, but Spot's taken Shaky off the list. Oh well.

  13. Infidel, I wasn't at Big Sur but my mom had a coat which everyone called Big Fur.

  14. Please, Kid.

    Was there ever an uglier pop star?

  15. I like some of his tunes, NFO, maybe even many. But What. An. Idiot.

    Rich Commie to boot.

  16. Wild, I can't deny it -- I like some of Yang's choones. But wow, what a total idiot.

    As in "Look at me! I'm a millionaire revolutionary anarchist hippy!"

    What an old fraud.

    I scorn that rich commie garbage.

  17. Egyptian, it may be cold outside but yes! Warming.

  18. Young's new song: "Hey, hey, my, my, I lost my Spotify"

  19. Hahahaha. Nearly choked on m'claret, Paul.
