Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Monkey Business


Here at the Compound we try to keep on top of monkey stories and keen-eyed readers will recall that a crazed simian escaped into the frozen wasteland of Pennsylvania. Government authority wasn't slow to react, do not "approach, attempt to catch, or come in contact with the monkey."

Apparently some unfortunate person did and now exhibits symptoms of the common cold/covid, but with pink eye. RAGE, anyone? Let's hope not. In related news, we're cleverly sending a USMC task force into the Black Sea, where they won't be vulnerable, at all. But not to worry, a full 8,500 troops are on standby to fight the Russian bear. Wow, that'll stop a Siberian Shock Army if it decides to roll. 

Which shows up the empty posturing of The Crook, The Whore and... and the what? A midget or dwarf, perhaps. Imagine the novel or TV series, The Crook The Whore And The Midget. And there you have it, punters, we're now officially in clownworld. Write the fiction and discover that truth flies ahead of you.

But seriously, what's with the Ukraine and our urgent, pressing, necessary, all consuming need to go to war? Could it be that Raytheon and Lockheed Martin need to make money, a Trillion$ defense budget needs justification, and our rulers are bipartisan coining it outta the former Eastern Bloc nation, think gas.

Hey, it's all in the sons, Pelosi's, Romney's, Biden's, et al but don't forget 10% to the Big Guy. Some animals are more equal than others.

Your Best Pal,



  1. At this time in my life, Parson, I would have sworn I was losing my marbles with what's going on.

    Then I see you youngsters commenting on it too, and it serves as a sanity check!

  2. More monkey business (too funny not to share)--


  3. Blackmail. They swamp rats and their bitches thought they were collecting bribes. The bribers were setting up insurance by way of blackmail.

  4. I wish gas was that cheap her in SE Michigan. It's at $3.39/gallon, and yes,"He did that".

  5. Hey, no picking on Hunter, after all he’s the smartest person The Big Guy knows…which of course isn’t saying much, but gotta work with the hand dealt. Apples-Tree…rotten to the core.

  6. Ukraine was given promises of protection if they gave up the substantial stash of nuclear weapons left over from the Soviet tide going out. SO, they gave them up, and oh, look, here we are. Other considerations are not excluded. I hear that 9K troops translates to about 900 actual rifles, not counting other party favors. Say, what ever happened to those nuke landmines from the Fulda Gap? Better check the wind direction.

  7. Cute Monkey. Does he bite?

    Anyway, it warms my heart to know the democrat house is writing legislation supporting Ukraine to declare that countries have an ultimate, positive, and absolute right to secure their borders. They gotta be splitting their sides.

  8. drjim, this is UTTERLY insane. Never seen anything like it.

    Young and Old unite.

  9. RHT -- love that! And I've been fixing to post...

    Shoot straight.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. He sure did, DOS. Take note, all you Dem voters.

    Like wow, how could they??? Asleep at the wheel?

  12. But Paul, what do you mean? Hunter? Laptop? Ukraine?

    Perhaps you're a conspiracy theorist.

    Report yourself.

  13. Whoa... Ritchie... FULDA GAP.

    Good call, fella.
