Thursday, December 9, 2021

No Vax End Point Serfs


Via Zero:

“There’s not going to be an end point to this vaccination program,” the Prime Minister revealed, while calling on people who got jabbed six months ago to come back for another shot.

Ardern delivered the message while adopting her familiar passive-aggressive smiley mannerism, as seen many times before when she casually revealed the next step in COVID authoritarianism.

People who fail to continually get vaccinated will face the same fate as those who have continued to resist compulsory shots, they’ll be out of work, face social ostracization and God only knows what else in the future.

Enjoy your lifetime booster shots and enjoy not being able to travel, visit a restaurant or eventually go in a shop if you miss out on just one.

Remember, if you don’t take the Pfizer jab for life, you’ll never be “fully vaccinated”.

It truly never ends.

Embrace your slavery, serfs. Or, on the other hand, embrace gun futures.




  1. How much more will the citizens of Great Britain endure before they go full football hooligan?

  2. I prefer option behind door number two, LSP.

  3. You need your booster, LSP. Fauci (America's Saint) advises that three vaxes should be enough for now. Just check everyone's paperwork when they show up for Christmas to ensure that they're cool enough to join you to celebrate Jesus Christ. As America's Saint, Fauci is in a unique position to know what God wants for you...

  4. Wow, anyone who wants to be pumped full of an experimental drug/vax/mRNA device/whatever else is in there (like Prego, only that is a redeemable sauce)...deserves what transpires after. Any gestapo official pushing this crud deserves the fires of Hell. God help them, and us.

  5. I've been wondering exactly that, WSF. And then there's New Zealand. WTAF is up with the former Dominions?

  6. Now that's a curious thing, Adrienne. So do I!

  7. LL, I've been told there's Fauci votive candles unironically for sale. I want some.

  8. 100% agree, Paul. Looks like I won't be flying for a while.

  9. Well in Great Britain from having the highest death rate in Western Europe our mortality rate has come down enormously from last year; vaccinations have only been around for 250 years or so for one disease of another and collective immunity eventually adapts, builds up and pandemics recede. It is the unvaccinated who now making up 90% of hospital cases. Short of vaccinating the population there isn't much else any government can do, it is one of the few things the UK government has got right lately, but then it needed to. Millions of people in the UK have had an annual flu jab free on the NHS for years. I appreciate that it may feel different if you live in the USA with a private health care system, but that's what the US electorate chose.

  10. UK, what's the point of getting the vax if it doesn't stop you getting the disease? And are you sure on that 90% figure? Isn't Israel, for example, pretty much fully vaxxed and yet they still get Covid?

    Whatev. All for a 99.7+ recovery rate, surely nothing else's going on. Surely Pfizer et al aren't in it for profit. That'd be unthinkable.

    Do you remember when the Left wasn't all in for big corp/gov? Just asking :)

  11. Greetings from deep blue New York, where everyone is masked up and has turned their fear into a virtue.

    My wife and I are fully "vaccinated" and debating getting a booster (useless I know) but we want to go to Ireland this summer and are worried we'll be denied entry without it.

    The hardest part about 15 days to flatten the curve are always the first 2 years.

  12. "Doin' right ain't got no end." Captain Redlegs, from The Outlaw Josey Wales.

  13. I wish I could fly, Infidel, but my overlords have forbidden it and I must obey.

    Have fun in Ireland, jealous. (btw, you might like to meet up with TC, who comments here occasionally and has some kind of country house there. email and I'll set it up)

    Flatten the curve.
