Thursday, December 9, 2021



Well, well, looks like Juicy's little theatrical raysiss stunt didn't play out so well. Guilty on 5 counts of pretending he was attacked by MAGA COUNTRY when it was really the Brothers Nigerian. Oops. Would that be black on black crime? Look up the stats, I labyrinthine dare you.

In the meanwhile, we have to ask. Why the need to invent race crime hoaxes when there's such systemic, ubiquitous, immoral, violent racism abounding in our nation? Did Juicy need the money, does the morally bankrupt Left need the currency, is the old paradigm simply outta gas and needs juicing?

Apparently it does. But while we ponder this, in the mental interlude, ask yourselves why we've become a gerontocracy which hates Christianity. Do you remember the Soviet Union?

Whatev. I hope Juicy goes to an easy prison because charity is key. I won't say even though he should be shot for a race baiting, theatrical goon.

Your Friend,



  1. That last picture! Haven't laughed that hard in days.

  2. Juicy, er, Jussie, will get no prison time. Our lords and masters in the Democratic party do not go to jail. If anything he will become even more of a hero. Perhaps get his own show on CNN or MSNBC. What? You thought this was a country of laws?

    But on the bright side I wonder if he'll get to play himself in the TV movie?

  3. What the heck? Black and a homosexual and an actor? How is he not innocent? What is going on in this country. I throw my hands up. :)

  4. "Why the need to invent race crime hoaxes when there's such systemic, ubiquitous, immoral, violent racism abounding in our nation?" Good question also ties in with why Talcum X wants to be black and Fauxcahontas pretends to be an Indian.

    Yes I hope he does jail time to deter some others from doing the same. Will he now get charged for perjury for lying on the witness stand under oath? I won't hold my breath.

  5. My, Infidel! His own movie, of himself! Now you're talking.

  6. Kid, he's clearly innocent. Oh... he's not trans. Dammit, maybe he should go to jail.

  7. Same here, DOS. What a lying little rainbow race baiter, eh? I predict community service.

  8. Ahem. I'd be a little careful using the words "community service" around that one. Just sayin'.

  9. Trust me on this - he is not going to jail. Fine, probation, community service. Bet 5 bucks on this...

  10. I totally agree, Adrienne. The Juice will, ahem, doubtless ride again.

    Such degenerates.
