Tuesday, December 14, 2021

5 Scots

As you were,



  1. Wow. Now that's an army.

    Oh my goodness, nobody is masked! There all gonna die!

  2. @ Do6...and some will be emphatic that we're all gonna catch the China Plague from watching this on YouTube. MrsPaulM had an online meeting yesterday. The initial presenter, a male, working from home, behind his screen...was wearing a mask!?? Incredible how deep the fear has gotten...and [this] fear is not from God.

  3. Well turned out, eh, DOS.

    But 5 Scots have been amalgamated in the Royal Regiment of Scotland. I hate the way they did that to our regiments, including my own, which disappeared entirely.

    And yes, no masks then and everyone's still alive, weirdly, despite the flu.

  4. I totally agree, Paul, not from God at all.

    Dammit, better mask up before I catch the 'rona through the screen!

    Dear Lord.

  5. The Germans called them "The Ladies from Hell".

  6. Lots of history lost when they did the 'amalgamation'... I know the feeling, 2 of the squadrons I was in are now decommissioned.
