Monday, November 22, 2021

Just Another Day in Wisconsin



Wow. There you are. In your SUV. In Wisconsin. And you look at all these people with hatred, there they are, having a Christmas parade and there you are in your car, whipped up on hatred, insanity and God knows what else. So you drive your car into that parade and kill as many as you can.

What, five persons killed and how many injured, including children. This is sickening to me, and to all right thinking people. But the reaction of the Left is worse, it's demonic, those people deserved it because they're white, it's karma for Kyle's acquittal.

You, a child in a stroller or a "dancing granny" deserve to get plowed up and killed by a lunatic blacktivist on account of the color of your skin. At a Christmas parade. Dear God. If you can't see Satan in this you're blind.


In the meanwhile, what next. 18 year olds with ARs protecting Christmas pageantry? Exclusion zones for POCs, let the reader understand, street battles, rooftop action? 

We know how that works out, the 13% don't win. And such is the tragedy, everything the Left does produces the opposite of its intended effect. But here we have to wonder, perhaps nihilism is the telos.

In the meanwhile, imagine the reaction if the killer as white. Picture the systemic, shrieking fury. See too, in the camera of your mind, the devils inexorably drawn to their torment in the lake of fire. 

Ad Fidem.



  1. And he was out on bail for attempted murder. He tried to run down his baby mama, got a catch-and-release bail, and was fleeing the Police when he made a turn and went barreling down the street the parade was on.

    He should never see daylight again, but that would be racist..,..

  2. "We know how that works out, the 13% don't win"

    Look beyond the 13%. The root of the problem are those have been whipping them up to frenzied hatred of whites for decades.

    It's a multi-front campaign, waged in academia from K through post-doctoral, in TV and movies, in advertising, and in the courts. No, there is no single grand conspiracy, but the net effect is AS IF there were one.

  3. I don't get it, LSP. Those people need to be tried and executed without spending a million dollars to make it happen.

  4. Woke leftist lawyers will soon be filing lawsuits in civil courts on behalf of the driver and his passengers to all those who point out what a miserable p.o.s they are.

  5. The only reason this felon was on the streets is because a George Soros funded District Attorney is now in charge of Milwaukee County, and has put into play the low bail / no bail for those arrested. The DA should be charged (but won't be) as he's complicit with this evil act. Similar to what's going on in the San Francisco area with all of the planned looting going on at Nordstrum's etc. I would comment on the ethnicity of those I've seen in the videos involved in San Fran but that would rayciss.

    The Soros crowd has tried to install their pinko DA picks here in a couple of counties here of SE Michigan but fortunately the local Dems saw through it and kept the incumbents.

  6. What LL and the others said. We pay taxes for what? To allow the criminal element to run roughshod over private citizens property, businesses, and lives? Occum's Razor tells me this is on purpose to create chaos and anarchy in order to keep the good people distracted and on their heels. The DA, judge, and a host of others, should be in prison for allowing these reprobates to walk free.

  7. As discussed earlier, “Mozambique”. An equal opportunity solution rendering the perp DRT (Dead, Right There).

    This insanity will not stop until it IS stopped.

  8. Pretty off the hook, drjim. Plowing into a CHRISTMAS PARADE. Wow. Words fail.

  9. I 100% agree, MC.

    But are you sure about the conspiracy? People do have a way of talking to each other... regardless, net effect yes.

  10. LL, in the old days here in the county seat they'd have ended up on the "hanging trees" on the Square. The trees are still there.

    In the meanwhile, see how California's profiting from its new "no crime goes punished" policy. Good work, leftists, no more pharmacies for poor people.

  11. I'd say the razor has a point, Paul. And, when you think of it, straight outta the old bolshevik playbook, the NSDAP too, for that matter.

  12. And it will be, RHT. Sooner would be better but I wouldn't bet on that outcome.

  13. some people gotta do what their demons tell them.
