Monday, November 22, 2021


Take note,



  1. IMHO the best mini series ever. Very well cast and likely to to input of the author, true to the book something I highly recommend that you read if you haven't already. I understand James Garner was originally slated for the role of Gus, but had to back out due to health issues. While I do believe he would have done well, Duvall was probably the best for the role.

  2. With all due respect, LSP - I have been a bartender in a past life. That being said, the bartender could have been a bit more welcoming. OTOH - McCrae was rude from the get-go, a not unusual occurrence most bartenders have to endure.

    I see a whole lot of wrong in this scene on both sides... Just sayin'

  3. Very well done clip! And agree with Adrienne, I bartended back in the 70s to supplement my military paycheck. Often wondered it it was worth it...

  4. Good stuff, eh, Jim?

    I might have to post a series on "bartending"...

  5. Adrienne, I just liked it for the Wild West of the thing.

    Saying that, I've never been a bartender, oddly, or even a cowboy, despite hat and horse :)

  6. I think you can make a lot of money at it these days, NFO, but nothing I'd want to do. Same with waitering.

  7. McMurty loosely (very loosely) based his book on the real lives of Oliver Loving, Charlie Goodnight and Bose Ikard, and all-in-all I much prefer their true exploits to McMurty's writing. Loving did in fact die of blood poisoning from a wound inflicted by Indians and Goodnight did in fact haul Loving's casket back to Weatherford for burial. Ikard, Danny Glover's character, survived all that and died in Weatherford. Goodnight paid for the funeral.

    LSP, Loving and Ikard are buried up the road a bit from you in Weatherford and Goodnight is buried east of Amarillo at the family plot in the nearly extinct town of Goodnight. Cowboys come and tie their bandanas into the chain link fence surrounding the plot; it is not a bad way to be remembered, when you think about it. Road trip!

  8. I made a bloody (that's and English term for a whole bunch in case you didn't know - lol) fortune cocktailing. When I had to suddenly leave my position at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio, it was, "Oh my gosh. I need a job - stat.") So I decided the fastest way to make money was cocktailing in an high end hotel. All I knew about cocktails was drinking them. I made of list of the best hotels in Houston and hit number uno on my list, the Western International at the Galleria, and secured a position. Score! Ten minutes into my shift the old time bartender called me over and said, "Tell me the truth. You don't really have any experience, Right?" Sigh. He just shrugged and then said, " Okay, pay attention, and I'll teach you." My gosh, did he ever! I learned the international ordering system, was made to taste every dang drink I'd never had so I'd know what a customer may be describing, and on and on. He never had to teach me the social and flirting part ;-) We considered ourselves professionals of the highest order. Reward? So let's see - this must have been back in the early 70's and a bad night was $150.00 - $200.00. Average was about $300.00 a night. A good night, like when I was made to wait on the Mafia peeps during Super Bowl (since I was the only dago there and everyone was scared to death of them) was 1 - 2K.

    I have huge respect for a good waiter or waitress.

  9. My god! Why aren't they wearing masks? Don't they care that they could give everyone COVID? What? COVID didn't exist then? Really? Hmm. Oh well. The hardest part about 15 days to flatten the curve are always the first 19 months.

  10. McCrae was aggrieved and he acted to remedy the problem. End of story.

  11. I agree with Adrienne's opinion, not just because I know what's good for me :).
    Those guys at the card table didn't need a whacko shooting a glass over their heads, raining shards on them. And rudeness doesn't deserve a cracked skull.

  12. Now that's a great idea, WWW! Thanks for the info.

  13. Adrienne, my brother in law's been a waiter forever and earns VERY good money. Mind you, I think/know he earns it...

  14. I know, Infidel. I should've put a warning notice on the post. They hadn't even been vaccinated, much less had their booster(s).


  15. Ed, Adrienne rightly suggests respect for the bartenders. Then there's pistols. I think they were... wild times. Not much law.
