Tuesday, October 12, 2021

You Wicked Old Fake


Is our Beloved Leader an utter fraud, a fake? Have a look, here he is getting a "booster shot." Convincing, isn't it. Look, here he is "campaigning."

Compelling, right? And 81 million votes agree, the most ever in any election in our history, and all for Biden because he's so very, very charismatic and popular. Why, then, are people chanting this.

"Go On Brandon." Mystifying, eh?




  1. Seems the idea is spreading. Just read where the NYC mayor was greeted with a similar chant by the crowds.

  2. Queen Camel-a: "Sire, the peasants are revolting!"

    His Regency Xiden: "Revolting? They're disgusting!"

  3. It. Does. Not. Matter. :(

    The steal has been accomplished, the fakery has been cast in concrete. We could have 90% of the votes, and they'll fake it.


  4. So, how many people actually buy this BS ? My guess is 30%. I've talked to some of them.

  5. Hunter will leave an enduring legacy on the order of Picasso or Monet, of an artist whose work is so profound that if you want to do business with the federal government, you buy it at whatever price is asked.

    And when old Slow Joe is gone, what will Hunter's scratchings be worth?

  6. They hold us in such contempt they didn't even bother to dress up the "nurse" in nurse like clothes. We know, since the Obamacare fraud, the White House has lots of lab coats. Dopes...

  7. Same here, NFO, hope I'm wrong.

  8. They really, really scorn us Adrienne. Maybe hubris will rise up and become Nemesis.

  9. Yes indeed, Ritchie! Winter for Biden and the Dems.

  10. LL, one of the things I like about Hunter's art is its talent, the sheer, artistic talent of the thing. That alone is worth hundreds of thousands. Hunter and his Father will leave an enduring legacy.

  11. I reckon you're right, Bib, and same here. 30% is weirdly large.

  12. N, I hope you're wrong but fear you're right.

  13. It's like a grass roots movement, WSF.

  14. LL:
    And when old Slow Joe is gone, what will Hunter's scratchings be worth?

    Somewhere between p*ss and spit.

    They hold us in such contempt they didn't even bother to dress up the "nurse" in nurse like clothes.

    I read a number of Leftist blogs. The dripping contempt for us "dirt people" is evident. Know your enemy.

    Old NFO and LSP:

    Hope is not a strategy. Plan for the best, prepare for the worst.

  15. God bless this Brandon, whomever he may be.


  16. The Founders should have given us an alternative to impeachment.
    Tar, feathers, noises and firearms works for me.
    Oh, that's close to a federal crime to suggest that.

  17. The voice of the right, political and spiritual, is muted. Not just by censorship, but we choose to no longer express ourselves the way we have in years past. It's clear that the enemy will not be educated. Facts don't matter. The obvious is something they ignore with glee. It's pointless to try to educate them. They believe what they want to believe, regardless of the obvious facts. So, don't be disheartened by the hush that has fallen from those you were accustomed to hearing express your understandings.
    I have a friend who explained to me that in the last year or so he has noticed that his " Conflict Resolution " list of ideas has gotten a lot shorter before the Bigger Hammer comes into play.
    If that is you, remember who we are tasked with being.
    REMEMBER who we are tasked with being.

    Ed,they did.

  18. Ah, N, good points, and you preach to the converted :)

    NFO, btw, is a rather good shooter...

  19. Infidel, who is this BRANDON?!?

    Some... some... new LEADER?

  20. JOG, I agree. The silence is, perhaps, more compelling at this point. I'll leave the rest unsaid.
