Monday, August 16, 2021



Where was our Commander-in-Chief  while the Taliban took over Afghanistan and Kabul? You know, the country we were at war in for 20 years. Good question. He was on... vacation. That's right, hidin' Biden.

Well it's not easy being a president, just ask Ashraf Ghani who fled Afghanistan in a chopper full of cash. Still, to be fair, our Puppet Prez did leave his Camp David hideout to give a presser blaming everyone but himself for this shameful, scandalous, Saigon-style defeat. He's back on vacation now. What a leader.

And what a disgrace, at every level. LL, who knows about these things, believes the whole Afghan operation should never have gone Big Army. Good call, but think of all the millions that wouldn't have been made. Here's Ron Paul:

The military industrial complex spent 20 years on the gravy train with the Afghanistan war. They built missiles, they built tanks, they built aircraft and helicopters. They hired armies of lobbyists and think tank writers to continue the lie that was making them rich. They wrapped their graft up in the American flag, but they are the opposite of patriots... The corruption is deep.

God, you may have noticed, expressed His disfavor by striking the Washington Monument yesterday. But I won't go on, words fail, this whole affair is jaw-droppingly wicked. What an epic, utter, total fail.

Have a blessed Feast of the Assumption,



  1. I keep thinking I must be off my meds to keep seeing what I'm seeing. But the sad fact is, I'm not on anything. I don't expect we'll make it to the mid-terms without something really bad happening.

  2. Bad people are doing very bad things now.

  3. The puzzle pieces for the government to do something really wicked seem to be in place.

  4. "Have a blessed Feast of the Assumption"

    We sure did! Our church is the "Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary", so on our Feast Day we had hundreds show up for Holy Mass, Anointing of the Sick, spiritual talks and a candlelit procession at night.

    My family helped serve 225 people a pasta dinner with all the trimmings.

    A great time was had by all!

  5. But....but...but....Biden is OUR MOST POPULAR PRESIDENT EVER. 80 million voted for him. Sometimes two or three times.

  6. They sure are, LL. Lord have mercy, and I don't say that lightly.

  7. Don't they just, Kid. We must pray that their obvs incompetence checks them.

  8. DOS, that's great news!

    Congrats on the Feast and all the kids. Now I'm uplifted.

  9. Infidel, I'm a bit worried, are you an... extremist?!?

  10. Clearly this mess is Trumps fault, because Orange Man Bad.

  11. Clearly this mess is Trumps fault, because Orange Man Bad.
