Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Taking Care Of Business


A busy morning. Get up, feed the Blue, make hot tea, enjoy that tea on the back porch while scanning the news, say Morning Prayer, you might say "Mattins," walk to the Pick 'n Steal, observe a new iteration of the Meth Shack, get back to the Compound, answer emails and then... drive over to Tom's Tire to get your rig inspected.

You have to do it every year, the State demands it, and we must obey. But it's no big deal, just 7 bucks and an excuse to go to Montes for a delicious brisket burrito. Tasty and then some. Next stop? 

A dinosaur museum, conveniently next to the diner. It used to be a filling station and then something else, followed by something else, and something else again, amounting to yet another vacant, asset stripped country lot. But now it's a dinosaur museum. 

I ambled over, pleasantly aglow with brisket and homemade tortilla's, only to be ambushed by a fit young fella with a dinosaur T and a Ho Chi Minh, obviously a paleontologist. "What's up, man!" he asked. I looked him straight in his expensively rimless glasses and asked, right on the nail, "Is this museum open?" To be fair, it rarely is, and he said yes, step straight on in, which I did.

What a great little museum! Big fossils of the ferocious beasts that used to roam North Central Texas, and small fossils too, to say nothing of aboriginal artifacts. These, if you know where to look, which I mostly don't, can be found by the boxfull here in Hill and Bosque counties. How old are they? Good question.

Museum over, collect the rig, get it registered, go to the 1st Inconvenience Bank and then to the lake. I won't lie, it was quite chilly, only about 100*. Is it too hot to fish when your eyelids start dropping sweat on the inside of your cunningly polarized glasses? Hardly, all the more incentive to carry on regardless.

4 Blue Gill later it was time to head home, in yet another episode of being glad to be in Texas.

Your Old Pal,



  1. Hopefully one day the dinosaur museum will be filled with liberals from the 1960s.

  2. I'd say we have dinosaurs living among us today. Gator, Croc, various Reptiles. They survived the extinction level event because they were in the water, or they were small enough they could find enough food to survive. The larger herbavoires didn't have enough after the plant life died off and the meat eaters didn't have enough when the herbivoires died offf, leaving Mr Reptile, and various water dwelling critters, who also evolved to be smaller given the overall lower food supply.

  3. A ESPN Sportswriter (Bill Rhoden) said on live TV that seeing the American Flag being waved at the Tokyo Olympics symbolizes the "Rise of White Supremacy.".
    And that it reminds him of the “January 6th RIOTS at the Capitol Building”.

    Did you ever hear such CRAP in your life? Its exactly this kind of “CRAP”, that makes me want to stop watching all this BS on TV. It’s everywhere that you go. On the TV coverage of the regular TV programs that I turn OFF almost every night, on TV Commercials, And especially on Sporting events such as Football, and Baseball is full of it. And now it’s ALL OVER THE OLYMPICS.
    It’s just SICKENING! Sickening to see how our fellow Americans buying into this Leftist Bull.
    So I turned on my computer this morning to read about the Olympics and the lead story is about that this Leftist “Sports Writer” Bill Rhoden said that “People Waving Old Glory at the Games in Japan Reminds Him of the January 6 Riots at the U.S.. Capitol.”
    Bill Rhoden
    Now first of all, what the HELL does the January 6 Riots at the U.S.. Capitol have to do with Sports ?
    He said seeing the American Flag being waved in such a way causes him to ask himself "WHAT AMERICA AM I LIVING IN?" Well where the HELL would he rather live? In China? Russia? Iran? Or Perhaps Cuba? Where else in the world would he have such a Sweet Job as to be sent to Japan and be put up in some beautiful Hotel to watch and write about the Olympics? I’d really like him to answer that question!

    Then he said.......
    "My favorite part of the Olympics was always going to the stadium for the opening ceremonies," Rhoden said, I love the opening ceremonies, the march of countries.
    Then I just realized, you know, man, particularly after these last four years, I had it wrong. I keep thinking back on the Capitol riots, and I saw a lot of, you know, US flags.
    So now when I see the flag and the flag raised, what — what America am I living in?"

    He spoke about the American Basketball’s team losing 83-76 to France on Sunday, missing the
    favorite part of the Olympics was always going to the stadium for the opening ceremonies,” Rhoden said, I love the opening ceremonies, the march of countries.
    Then I just realized, you know, man, particularly after these last four years, I had it wrong. I keep thinking back on the Capitol riots, and I saw a lot of, you know, US flags.
    So now when I see the flag and the flag raised, what — what America am I living in?”

    He spoke about the American Basketball’s team losing 83-76 to France on Sunday, missing the
    These media analysts, and writers like Bill Rhoden have to be a Special Kind of Idiot to say something as stupid. As he did. I wonder if that snowflake broke down and cried like that Capital Police office did, or like that PHONY Wittiness at Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing Christine Blasey Ford did.
    Let me end by saying that .Bill.Rhoden is a freaking Joke, and that we need LESS people like him in this Country.
    And By The way, .the American Flag also represents the Downfall of Fascism and Communism, the End of Slavery and
    The Start of Civil Rights Laws and Freedom to People Around the World Like From Cuba, and all over the Communist Countries That Risk Their Lives to Get Here. That’s EXACTLY Why we See those Millions of People STORMING OUR BOARDER to Get In.

    An honest, and decent person would have known all of that but William Rhoden is not that person

  4. Yes, Infidel. Imagine them on display in all their glory. Of course there'll be living fossils too, dangerously.

  5. What amazes me, Bob, is that life bounded back so vigorously. Mass extinction events followed by a superabundance of creatures, many of them bizarre. As though life exploded in a great burst of energy. Perhaps that took place over millions of years, but still.

  6. I agree, Political Chick. Who is this "Rhoden" anyway, if that's his real name, which I doubt.
