Wednesday, July 28, 2021



A Roman Catholic friend sent this in:

I just got an "effective immediately, until further notice" from my parish:

To help avoid a Covid exposure at the parish, which could result in the church closing for 10 days, and based on current guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, the Clark County Health Department, and the Chancery Offices at the Archdiocese of Seattle:

Based on current guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, the Clark County Health Department, and the Chancery Offices at the Archdiocese of Seattle, St. John the Evangelist asks all individuals visiting the parish campus to wear a face mask at all times. This is regardless of vaccination status and is effective immediately. We realize this is disappointing, but with everyone's cooperation, understanding, patience and - most importantly - concern for our fellow human beings, we here at St John can be part of the solution in stemming the spread of Covid-19. Thank you, God bless, and stay healthy! 

I'm so mad at this irrational stupidity I could spit nails.  Fired off a note to my parish with solid facts of why this was not needed, and got back a note that said " Out of love and respect for all our fellow human beings and following the guidance of the CDC, the Clark County Health Dept, and the Archdiocese of Seattle"   

Told them to spare me the "Out of love and respect"  bull shit.



Exactly. Out of love and respect bull shit. Behold the gurning, despotic face of our new biomed, corporate sponsored rainbow tyranny. That the Church would be complicit is, to me, outrageous if predictable. 

Be that as it may, imagine your overlords laughing at you, the masked serf, from their private islands and private jets, all in the name of "science," while their masked servants offer them deliciously cooling ice cream.

Just a thought,



  1. I have been told, and it makes perfect sense when given the context, Jesus was using a proper “curse word” when angrily calling the Pharisees “brood of vipers”. We have our own modern versions and more now they are appropriate to use when necessary. Good to call them out (an LSP “woe”), they are lost and their veil is fogged.

  2. You think that's bad, the government in Ireland told the Church last month that they couldn't perform first holy communions or confirmations and the Church just rolled over and went along with it! To think, the secular (most assuredly) gov't of a country dictated to the world's foremost Christian faith that they can't perform their own sacraments, and they said "fine"! I still can't believe it, but goes to show you how powerless the Church is these days. To be fair, the Church abdicated most of its moral authority in Ireland due to a series of extremely bad scandals (sexual abuse, mother-baby homes, etc.), but you'd think they'd tell the gov't where to get off trying to interfere with the performance of it's own rituals.

  3. Are you questioning your masters Padre? That will be noted.

  4. They love their control and can't let it go.

  5. Yes, let's put the STUPID people in charge and allow them to make all the decisions so they don't get offended or made to be uncomfortable and shiiiiit.

    Hey, fits right in with No Child Left Behind - Lets do the intelliogent kids the most horrible disservice we can imagine by not teaching them at their level so we don't offend the stupid kids.

    Insert profainity where appropriate.

  6. What do you expect with a commie "Pope" who is probably not even Catholic - let alone Pope. His biggest worry? Those divisive Latin Mass peeps (that would moi) as he tries to shut down all Latin Masses.

    I thank God every day for the gift of St. Joan's and the FSSP. We never shut down, had about two weeks total of "social" distancing, never wore masks, and continued communion on the tongue. First communions happened, kids were confirmed, and coffee and donuts flowed in the church hall. And when my dear friend died last May (2020) the bishop tried to limit the funeral to 25 peeps. Our pastor said, "NO!!!" The church was packed.

    And the bishops? They're too damn busy hooking up on Grindr. Pigs!!!

    The novus ordo Mass needs to be abolished and we need to get back to being Catholics stat!!!

    I'm also ready to spit nails just like our friend!

  7. Hypocritical of this unchurched heathen to comment but here goes. Where is the fire in the belly? You, the inheritors of institutions founded by people who died, some by torture, are despicable, IMO.

  8. Something a friend of my wife's said in Paris, Texas, during a confrontation by local parishioners who did not want to lose their priest, and the priest wanted to remain, but whoever makes such decisions said, in effect, "We do not care what you want. You do not control Church decisions." My wife's friend said, "I am a Christian before I am Catholic."

  9. David in TennesseeJuly 29, 2021 at 1:32 PM

    The Catholic Church has been taken over by progressives (commies). With members in good standing like Uncle Joe and Aunt Nancy I would expect nothing less.

  10. Heard that too, Paul. He most definitely called them out, unlike our current crop of church leaders. Outrageous.

  11. Really sorry to hear that, T, and it's news to me, embarrassingly. The Western Church reflects it's godless overlords, and in Ireland, of all places.


  12. Let's see how long this site's allowed to last, DOS.


  13. Grrrr, Bob.

    Part of the issue, with the Church, is that bishops chose people who are less than them and so the polity devolves. Mind you, apostate + apostate still equals de facto atheists.

  14. Adrienne, I totally agree.

    But what, Grindr?!? I didn't know and now I have to find out. Wow.

  15. David, the same crew ruined the Anglican side of things. Hugely. Let's pray they're held at bay in Rome.

  16. Maybe if they serve ice cream cones, they will be spared from the plague.

    Ask the walking corpse and the Ho.

  17. So, fall of 2017 Mrs. & I went to Spain and had a pretty good time. The Spanish do spectacular things with pigs and seafood, yes indeed. One morning in Barcelona, I did a walking tour of the Civil War sites led by a history prof whose grandparents had been active participants on the Republican side, as you might expect of Catalonians. Supposed to be 90-minutes but when he figgered out I was genuinely interested, he stretched it another two hours and got into the Romans and Inquisition and other things as well. Fascinating stuff.....

    Anyway, here's the point. His father was like five years old before a live priest could be found to perform the christening. It seems that the Church was seen as a willing party to, and complicit in, the oppression of the folks by the central government, so when the peasants became revolting, the history going back a few hundred years was, one of the first things they did was shoot all the priests they could find. Hence finding a live priest was somewhat of a bother......Of course I'm not suggesting any such a thing, you understand, I just hope the Church hierarchy understands that while history may not necessarily repeat itself, occasionally it rhymes....

  18. But LL, you dare to ice cream question your rulers?

  19. Ah, WWW, people criticize the Church for a reason, mostly. And when they do, they're tempted to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It's understandable, but wrong.

    Here in the US we have a group of people in charge of something they don't believe in. Or so it seems. The fallout will take decades to correct, imo.

  20. As you know, Parson, it has to get pretty bad before fragging your leadership looks like a good idea. I guess it got bad enough for those folks. Hemmingway talked a little about what it looked like in the villages in that time. Not good and I'm certainly not recommending it.

    Some folks on the innertubes talk about killing Commies like it's something to look forward to. Fine. Like the French Revolution, or Rwanda, where/how do you stop?

  21. WWW, that's a very good point. With you, I'm more than a little uneasy about that kind of talk. Let's pray it doesn't come to that.

    Mind you, I do enjoy a good Pinochet/helicopter meme from time to time.
