Thursday, July 1, 2021

Rebel Yell


Reflection on the bloodbath that was the Civil War aside, note two things. The voices of the men then were more civilized than our own today, we've devolved. Secondly, the Yell sounded a lot, maybe completely, like a game call. These men were hunters.

Tyranny might want to reckon on that spirit.

Peace and Love,



  1. The Rebel Yell may yet be heard again on American soil. I hope not, but the progs really want to hear it.

  2. I wanna hear Biden and Harris do it.

  3. Bob their version would likely be something along the lines of ki yi ki yi as they run away with their tails betwixt their legs. Not sure their protective details would be able to keep up with them.................(or want to) although they are a lot more likely to honor their oath than either of them - or that chip man character or milley ot a whole host of others we could mention.

  4. That it does, Ed, and it'll get it.

  5. LL, I really hope not too, but the other team doesn't seem to get it.

  6. Hahahahaha. Bob, just laughed.

  7. I'm with you on this, Anon.

  8. Sure seems that way to me, NFO. Has anyone mentioned that? Says something about who they were, imo.
