Friday, July 2, 2021

Good Evening


God smiled upon us this evening and sent calming rain, relaxing thunder and enough lightning to keep things exciting, and way cooler than the preheating oven weather effect that is North Central Texas in July. So I went on the porch and texted LL.

"I call this installation "White Privilege."

"It does have that country club Illuminati vibe. Is JEB! around?"

"No, he's not. I had to ban him for bringing our members down and being utterly useless. JEB! can't yell, one of the reasons he's banned."

"He only yelled 'Mama!'"

"And 'waiter!' Regardless, the DLC Mess doesn't mix with people like that. But we do like a good dish of Beef Chow Mein."

"From Lee Ho Fooks?"




The rain's stopped now, leaving this part of Texas beautifully cool while the cicadas susurrate into the night. Calming, but don't be fooled. We stand guard, vigilant.

Your Pal,



  1. Old Blue Hound feels privilege. We know that he feels free to sink his fangs into the UPS guy. One could say that he hates brown and is a racist dog, but he doesn't care who is inside the brown uniform.

  2. Blue looks like he enjoyed the cool of the concrete.

  3. "There will come soft rains," according to Sara Tisdale, and in perhaps five short years, more then that, much more, according to Ray Bradbury's timetable.

    And on that cheerful note, the voices in my head are telling me it's time for more Dr. Pepper.
