Monday, April 5, 2021

What Have We Here?


You know what it's like. Roll up to the familial homestead for Easter festivity and there it is, one of the guests has a "prays well together" sticker on their car. Really? When was the last time you offered one up at the local mosque while sacrificing to Kali?

Being a polite and hospitable LSP, I didn't say that and resisted the urge to sharpie in some runes on the offensive signage. Still, you can imagine the scene, "What, you don't pray pray well with Armanen worshippers of the Victorious Sun? Maybe you need to be more inclusive." You get the point, but she wouldn't have done, because all religions same. Like, we all pray! And I want world peace! 

So let's test the theory out, here's some Aztec worship. Have a look:

Cortez and the gang felt they had come across a nation of devil worshippers and perhaps they had, the walls of Mexico City's great pyramid dripped with the blood of an estimated 20,000 human sacrifices, annually. They ate the victims too, coexist with that.

Point being, all religions are not the same and given that everyone has one, better choose wisely as opposed to pretending that none of it really matters.

Christus Surrexit,



  1. In the usual course of events in Cincinnati, nothing triggers me more than a coexist sticker on the back of a car directly in front of me. The main point is the incredible ignorance by someone old enough to drive.

    Let's all play like we're in kindeygarten. Ceptin they don't get along in kindeygarten either.

    1. And Kid, they're all out there. Driving cars. Terrifying!

  2. I think a lot of the "Sticker People" are just virtue signaling. "OH, Look How 'Inclusive' I Am!", and if push came to shove, they'd be quite unhappy living down the street from a mosque.

    Having lived in the Middle East for six months I have a bit of relevant life experience, and the "coexist" people don't have a clue....

  3. The sum of much of my study is that God never made a "unit" of anything, certainly not of people. We are all one-off creations. Miracle after miracle, each one of us. As for religions, there is anything but equivalence between them.

    A gyro from the streets of Athens is not the same as a gyro from the best Greek restaurant in Cleveland, even if it looks the same...and that's just food. We should never be fooled by false equivalences even where they seem apparent. Gah. Such people are just working very hard at not paying attention.

    Thank God for Hernan Cortez and the millions of locals who supported his ending the horror that was the Aztec polity with its demonic religion. Pity about those manuscripts, though, right?

    1. Well said, Unknown. And for sure, shame about the manuscripts. OT, but how far back did civ go south of the border? Predeluvian? Hmmmm.

  4. But, but Padre, you are ignoring the warm and fuzzy feeling of being superior and inclusive. Disagree? Karen will rip your head off from her self appointed, self righteous pedestal.

  5. Replies
    1. That's an excellent point, Ed. Maybe I need to watch that again...

  6. Don't worry. The Aztecs were compassionate people who had no choice: They had to sacrifice their young so the weather would be better.


  7. EEENF down 80% this am. Hope you didn't buy any. I did put 200 into it and will just keep it. No news. Flying blind.

    1. I didn't go in, Kid. But everyone's fave Shiba's doing alright. C'mon, pup.

  8. You're the expert - isn't syncretism a sin?

  9. Hey now, you're insulting the new 'God' that Kommiefornia is now wanting the students to pray to...

  10. Farcebook would not allow link to this post. This site sprays jalapeƱo in their eyes or something. Oh, yeah. Violates Farcebook community standards. I linked to this post through my blog, Ittai was one of David's mercenaries and stuck with the king during Absalom's revolt. David told Ittai (paraphrased), "This is not your fight. You just got here yesterday. Stay here in Jerusalem." Ittai replied (paraphrased), "I signed on with you. As the Lord lives, wherever you're going, I'll be there." Ittai was a Texan before there was such a person.

  11. Rastafarians espouse the divinity of Haile Selassie, a somewhat more benign deity. Hmmm. I wonder if perhaps a little too much of the sacramental herb had something to do with his selection?

  12. All religions are not the same. All cultures are not the same.

    Period. Full stop.

  13. Sgt, fbook, insta and twister hate this bog.

    Oh well.

  14. Dammit, NFO, must report self. Again.

  15. I've always had a fondness for him, WWW. Ethiopia's... interesting.

  16. Right with you, N. Hope all's well north of the border.

  17. For some reason I'm dead tired the last couple of days.

    Must be the booze and women. ;O

    Either that, or the stress of knowing what's coming and not being able to avoid it.

  18. N, it's not easy, eh. But whoever said it would be?
