Monday, April 5, 2021

Happy Easter!


I know, a day late and a dollar short, but Happy Easter!

Christ has risen,



  1. Presumably, Parson, you were otherwise occupied.

    Sunrise Service was just concluding yesterday morning when the sun broke above the trees and flooded we few, we happy few, who braved the wind, with a most heavenly light. The Right Reverend officiating had his back to it and said he nearly lost his train of thought when the light illuminated us all. Not a bad way to celebrate Easter, wot?

  2. Always good to be reminded -- how many have already moved on from yesterday versus carrying the New Covenant forward? Acts does follow the Gospels.

  3. And to you, we know you were 'busy'!

  4. He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

  5. I was, NFO! Relaxing in Dallas now, nice.

  6. I was beginning to think that like the Orthodox, you guys picked a different day :)
    But thanks for the sentiment and an early Happy Rez day to you too!

  7. I'm sure you had other things on your little pea brain, LSP. I don't know how our priests make it through Holy Week without dropping in their tracks. Easter vigil (pre-1955 rites) alone takes about 4-5 hours. And, goodness, all that chanting.

    Happy Easter, LSP. You're an inspiration and a God send!
