Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Unicorn Strikes


The Rainbow Unicorn has struck again, viciously goring a Canadian man who dared to call his 15 year old daughter a girl, even though she thinks she's a boy. The father was arrested on March 16 after a BC judge found him guilty of refusing to use his daughter's preferred pronouns. Via the New York Post:

The man — whose identity is reportedly under a publication ban by a British Columbia Court of Appeals to protect his child — was found in contempt of court and arrested Tuesday for calling the teen his daughter and publicly referring to him with the pronouns “she” and “her,” according to The Post Millennial.


This, according to Canada's Rainbow Stasi, constitutes "family violence." and must be punished to "protect the child." What, protect the child? How about protecting kids from chemical and surgical sterilization and a lifetime of drug dependency. Don't say Big Pharma profit.

The child's mother, a psychologist, supports her daughter's attempt to become a blasphemous parody of a man. And here at the Compound we call it child abuse, to say nothing of demonic insanity. The future? A rainbow wellington boot stamping on a human face, forever.

Follow the Science

In related news, a judge has been arrested on 7 counts of child porn. He was the President of Cream City Foundation which was a sponsor of Milwaukee's Drag Queen Story Hour. Shocked? Neither am I.

If you meet the unicorn on the road, kill it.

That is all,



  1. I'm not sure about Canada but the laws are probably similar. Until a person reaches their majority (18 or 21) a parent is responsible for that child. Exceptions are declaring the child an adult or losing all parental rights. I hope the father has the means to appeal.

  2. Another vicious word crime. Oh, the humanity. Wait, can I say that?

  3. It used to be Unicorns were only found around the most pure of people. True virgins, both in body and thought.


    How the Left has ruined everything.

    And, yes, considering that all psychological associations admit that one truly doesn't settle mentally into one's oneness until around the age of 25, anything done to a child to suppress or express gender is child support.

    Just look at Milo Yiannopoulos, a previously self-acknowledged flaming homosexual, has announced, after a few years of contemplation, that he is now straight, at the age of 36.

    Not to mention the suicide rate or attempted suicide rate amongst 'transgendered' is about 50%, with the chance of successful suiciding increasing as one's transition occurs earlier in life.

    But we aren't allowed to talk about facts because we're all Nazis or something.

    Fallen world we live in. Makes me wonder if the Rapture has occurred years ago and we're in late End Times.

  4. Reading this type of story makes it hard for me to believe that the sins of Noah's time were half as terrible as they are now. We all know the rest.
    Lord save us, we are perishing.
    And thank God for LSP; whom I pray for.

  5. I'm speechless that this insanity has legal standing.

  6. Plastic surgery at best, body mutilation in reality. But Bruce Jenner is the most beautiful woman in the world according to someone.

    Well, I think back on all the times I could have had my parents arrested if I had grown up in this abortion period of human culture.

  7. Ah remember the good old days when there were only two genders? Thank god "Science" came to our rescue and saved us from our ignorance.

  8. You only get Unicorns when Godzilla is unavailable.

    Like Godzilla attacking Cities or a stampede of Unicorns, locking up a Dad for speaking to his daughter is something we were promised by the progressives would never ever happen.

    Lesson: Never trust the word of a progressive, because 'their truth' is greater than the Truth.

  9. Depressing is all I can think of.

  10. Me too, WSF. But let's remember, we're dealing with a sacred object of the new nihilism, transsexualism, and that's way beyond criticism, in ANY. WAY. SHAPE. FORM.

    So he's probably doomed, along with the child. Let's hope I'm wrong.

  11. Richie! Stop being so violent!


    Report yourself, immediately.

  12. Beans, it seems to me like peak devilry but every time I think that the goal posts move. By way of consolation, evil has a way of killing itself and no wonder, their father was a murderer from the beginning -- see LL's nihilists.

    That in mind, please wake up, people. Going full tranny on a 15 year old, or anyone, isn't good.

  13. Whoa... Anon! Godzilla!

    That reminds me of a song.

  14. Linda, I think it's beyond depressing, more like abhorrent and tragic. But good wins, we know this.

  15. Anon, remember: to a progressive, the "truth" is fluid and ever-changing, much like the panorama of genders they champion.
