Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sunday Sermon

ἔνθα στᾶσ᾽ ἤϋσε θεὰ λευκώλενος Ἥρη Στέντορι εἰσαμένη μεγαλήτορι χαλκεοφώνῳ, ὃς τόσον αὐδήσασχ᾽ ὅσον ἄλλοι πεντήκοντα

there the goddess, white-armed Hera, stood and shouted in the likeness of great-hearted Stentor of the brazen voice, whose voice is as the voice of fifty other men  (Homer, Iliad V. 785)

Like brazen-voiced Stentor I thundered from the pulpit this morning, "Christ has drawn us to a place of decision, to a choice. Do we follow him and live, or not?" 

Rhetoric waxed large, "We can, if we like, pour our energy into the world, the flesh and the Devil. We might even be successful beyond our wildest dreams and become the very King of the King Ranch itself. But what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"

A typical photo of white armed (sorry, racist) Hera

You get the picture and the message was clear, by the grace of God, take up your Coss and follow Christ, ultimately to the throne of glory itself. All well and good, but LL's composed a better sermon. Here's a snapshot:

John Wright wrote that we live in a posthuman age. By that, he did not mean that men could not extend life and expand consciousness by bio-nanotechnology, neural shunts or downloading self-identities into the psycho-cyberverse. He meant, nearly a third of us has sold the heritage of mankind, what it means to be human, for a mess of pottage called political correctness. And at its root, you will always find that the PC culture has at its core, a hatred of Jesus Christ.

The posthumans renounce the gift of reason, and think themselves superhuman, beyond good and evil. Neither the law of cause and effect nor the law of supply and demand has any bearing on their talking points and chanted slogans.


The Left promoted hedonism until it ran out of any pleasures to give, and championed socialism until it went broke, and preached skepticism until all men grew skeptical of it. The freethinkers entered the thought prison of political correctness, and threw the keys away, and called a halt to all thought.

So the Left are basically left with nothing. That nothing is called Nihilism. Think of Antifa. They are its poster children. Producing nothing, they live to destroy.

Producing nothing, they live to destroy. Precisely, and I'd suggest their father is the Devil, a murderer from the beginning. But take heart, evil defeats itself.

Pax et Bonum,



  1. I liked LL's, but I'm sure your's was good.

  2. Thanks, Ed. It was a simple sermon on the Cross. So easy to say and far harder to lift. Mind you, "my yoke is easy and my burden light" springs to mind.

    I liked LL's homily for its breakdown of Reason, Passion, and Appetite. Good stuff, though of course we're becoming too intellectually clouded to think in terms of definitions or perhaps even truth itself. What remains? Force and emotion.

  3. today's bible study was on Amos. I don't think we are far from it know. All week long Ive been thinking on Isaiah chapter 61 (and the day of vengeance of our God). Thankfully Saturday evening is the start of Passover

  4. Not better, but different, perhaps. I would say that the both of you tune a fine fiddle and could "saw one off", as Guy Clark once said about Sis Draper, upon demand, or as the Spirit leads.

    It is a pleasure to hear either of you on whatever subject.

  5. But whatever became of the Greeks? Did they get to meet Jesus? Did they all become Orthodox, or did they try every socialist that is there to try, from minimum wage hikes to free education and free healthcare? They should have stuck to Jesus instead of Marx. Their economy is now down to selling T-shirts and evil eyes that were made in China to non-existent tourists due to Covid-19, also made in China.

    1. Good question, Pewster. I think they became Orthodox and then got bought up by China?

  6. Both of you take me out of my comfort rut and make me think.

    1. That's good to hear, WSF. Thinking's in short supply right about now, eh?

  7. I thought the passages you quoted from LL's post were profound in their thought, and correct in their reasoning.

    I agree with you both..

    1. I was most impressed, denim. Might have to run an edited version in the magazine.

  8. My stuff is amateurish. I admit it. It lacks the fire and brimstone effect - light on the calling sinners to repentance effect.

    Ought I go and buy DOGE coin? Maybe not. I think that the only reason people buy that crypto is because they love dogs. I like dogs well enough but never equated that with investment opportunities.

    1. LL, you tend more to the "real world solutions provider" side of things. I like that.

      Of course I like the dog-faced crypto too. Will the Shiba go Moon? C'mon pup! Where's My Lambo?!?
