Monday, February 15, 2021

Monday Night Jukebox

Here we are, watching the snow fall as our wind turbines seize up in a fit of green new deal genius. So what to do? Fire up the jukebox and shoot a few games of pinball while the power lasts. And hey, we play requests. Here they are:

Check out Montana, for the solo. Nice work, Mr. Zappa.


And what's wrong with Junior Brown? Nothing at all. Thanks, WSF. But Adrienne wants Janis. Who can blame her? On she goes.

And a great call from Jim, the Dead South. I like that song, spin it up.

Wild Wild West wants some Little Feat. Hey, gets my vote.

And I'll close out this selection of jukebox greatness with Waylon. Because it's awesome.

Have a great night and keep 'em coming. But when the power goes out? Easy, throw last year's broken furniture on the fire.




  1. Waylon. Big Ball in Cowtown. Other have recorded it but his it the best.

  2. There's a lot of good music out there if you know where to look. Steve Young(not the 49ers QB) was a superb songwriter (Seven Bridges Road, Lonesome Onry and Mean) and a superior performer as well. Sadly he passed a few years ago. Here's his version of Tobacco Road, easily the best I've heard.

    WSF posted a good version of Big Ball's in Cowtown. The original was done by Hoyle Nix, an Texas icon of western swing. Here's theoriginal.

  3. Since a yuuuuge group of rad-trad Catholics were living it up last night at our pre-Lenten party, I'm having a Tuesday morning juke box moment here - and I thank you. We filled up the entire Old School Liquor Bar and since the newly remodeled place was not up and running for food we had 14 large pizzas delivered, plus all the food some of my friends brought. It was all needed to soak up the copious amounts of adult beverages we swilled.

    One more day until my favorite season begins. Like a true rad-trad I love to wallow in the guilt and penance. Yay! I'm focusing on 40 Days For Life like I did last year. And non of the daft ash sprinkling in the hair. We'll all get a proper cross on our foreheads tomorrow.

  4. Pancho and Lefty--

    From the Wayback machine, my folks listened to the Kingston Trio--

  5. Looks like you're burning some furniture out there LSP. Hope it's not too bad for you and yours.

  6. I find this one on my mind these days--

  7. Adrienne, that sounds like BIG FUN. Much better than not very enjoyable Pancake Suppers, which we cancelled because snow and ice.

    A cross is the only way to go and 40 days is excellent too. Maybe I'll introduce it to the missions. About time...

  8. Gotta love Pancho & Lefty, RHT. And the KT! Nice.

  9. All's well, Kid. Looks like DFW's been hit by blackouts though, so far missed the fam. Let's hope it stays that way.

  10. Haven't heard that in ages RHT. Like it.

  11. Speaking of Waylon Jennings, Billy Joe Shaver tells the dynamite story here:

  12. Waylon:
