Tuesday, February 16, 2021

A Bit Chilly


It's a bit chilly in Texas right now and that's too bad, because Global Warming froze all the wind turbines and broke them, causing rolling power blackouts. Who became richer than they already were through that green chicanery?

Green energy crooks aside, I went for a stroll down the glacier after Evening Prayer, in search of adventure. There wasn't much, apart from a snowman opposite the iced over Meth Shack, but what am I saying? The whole thing is an adventure - Texas, magically transmuted into Alberta thanks to the mystic alchemy of climate change. 

But maybe you think I'm exaggerating in that typical Lone Star way. No, not at all. Here's a photo of one of the crew relaxing after breaking ice on the stock tank. Looks like Alberta, right? No, Texas, here and now.

So be careful out there, and if the power goes out light massive fires to stay warm and keep the torch of freedom burning as we face off, resolute, against our old enemy, The Weather.




  1. I reckon that old Texan saying about if you don't like Texas weather, wait an hour, could kick in at any time now. Relatives in NE Texas got 8 inches of snow with more climate change on the way Thursday. A story said half the 18,000 windmills in Texas froze up. Keep quilts handy.

  2. -9F here in SE Michigan on this bright clear morning. Hard to believe we'll be harvesting maple sap next week, but there it is.

    Hope your power stays on Padre!

  3. The good news is this weather hit before calving season.

  4. So much for the windmills, Sgt. And for sure, the NE part of the state's had it worst. Seems to be calming down here though.

  5. Power's good so far, DOS. Thank God... and, by some miracle, we've still got water and no burst pipes. Stay that way, please.

  6. That, Mr. WSF, is an excellent point and I shared it with a couple of cattlemen.

  7. I hope Blue Popsicle stayed to defend the homestead. My dogs like playing in the slush too much, they get all cold AND wet, then they want inside!

  8. I live in the Northeast but I’ve been to Texas many (but too few) times. I love Texas and the Texans I’ve met. I’m sorry the crap weather we complain about has hit you fine folks so hard. It isn’t right but I know you’ll pull through. Just stay off the roads if you can and remember, L.L.Bean can be your friend.

  9. Blue's been a bit freaked out by the snow, Mattexian. Well, he can't see it, for a start, which has to be confusing. Saying that, he likes eating the ice, curiously.

  10. Thanks for the excellent advice, CT. We're not very equipped to deal with freezes longer than a day or two... but it should be over pretty soon. In the meanwhile, it's fun pretending I'm in Alberta!
