Sunday, January 3, 2021

Hellfire And Brimstone


"How can a country which murders its children in the womb be expected to do anything right?" I couldn't answer contrary. So here's Cash, again:

The whirlwind is in the thorn trees. You see, there's a time for Hellfire and Brimstone sermons.




  1. I do understand that people tend to parce their faith to their particular views of the world, but that's not the approach that sacred scripture takes. Recently a friend of mine told me that he was "looking for a church". What he really meant to say was that he was looking for a congregation that would accept his particular sins as being acceptable and focus on the "sins of others", which they did not find acceptable.

    That's not the approach that Jesus took.

    Be that as it may, no country that accepts the murder of children born and unborn as a common practice, with their body parts being sold in many cases, can long endure. Did they even do that in Sodom and Gomorrah? I don't know. The sins of Sodom were legion but I don't think that they sold dead babies for profit.

  2. Time to re-up a few Spurgeon sermons...a little old school is needed, like a feathered hammer coming down on the Christian elect.

  3. “For many are called, but few are chosen”

    Can we have an a-woman??

  4. Good song, and old fashioned Christianity is making a comeback out here in Texas, if what I see on Sunday mornings is any example.

  5. What LL said.
    And to reply to him, I imagine Sodom and Gommorah had their own version of Moloch to offer their first born to.

  6. Adrienne, I saw what you did there.

  7. I'd agree with that, Camperfixer.

  8. But Adrienne, we must welcome the 117th Congress.

    Seriously, are they utterly deranged, stupid, driven insane by Satan or all three?

  9. Same here, NFO. No bad thing, eh?

  10. Ed, we're in big trouble. I'm putting it mildly.
