Friday, December 11, 2020

This Will Make You Safe


Sometimes a picture's worth a thousand words. So mask up, Comrades, and learn Chinese while you're about it.

And obey your new rulers without question.

Your Pal,



  1. I think Aesop over in the side bar put it succinctly--

    "With this dismissal, the Supreme Court of the United States has just ruled that the Constitution of the United States no longer has jurisdiction over the United States. In so doing, they have also self-deligitimized any jurisdiction they formerly possessed."

  2. Your oligarchs approved the mask, wear it, LSP, and mask your dog while you're at it. And take the vaccination if you plan to enter a store again, ever. Get that internal passport stamped if you expect to visit Dallas...because that's the only way that we're going to 'slow the spread'.

  3. I read today that Maxine Waters’ daughter received $250,000 from her mother’s campaign. Waters and her family have improved their standard of living considerably while the district that she claims to represent seems to have gone downhill. Then again, as her opponent in the recent election pointed out, Waters doesn’t live in that district. She is comfortably ensconced in a mansion in a far more upscale neighborhood.

  4. The mask is now the "MARK OF THE BEAST."

  5. RHT, Aesop can make a point, imo. But let's not forget: Kav, ACB et al aren't stupid and I'd be surprised if they were corrupt. Perhaps wheels within wheels are revolving here, to pave the way, perhaps, for an EO outcome or something like that.

    Then again, SCOTUS may be just as corrupt as everything else.

  6. LL, I think there'll be a brisk trade in "documents." Yet another way for people to make huge amounts of $$$, come to think of it.

    Not intending to get the globalist, ChiCom vx, btw.

  7. Dems, I've been meaning to post on that curious fact. Thanks for the reminder.

    Just remember that some pigs are created more equal than others.

  8. seanachie, on the sixth day, at the sixth hour, the followers of Antichrist marked their foreheads with the mark of the Beast as they cried, "We have no king but Caesar."

    Within several decades not a stone of the Temple was left standing as the rebellion writhed in crucified agony on the hills overlooking Mount Zion.

    A type? Most assuredly.

    Then there's the dam masks...
