Friday, December 11, 2020

A Lausbua Muss er Sei

These are troubled times, no doubt about it, so here's an uplifting video, which I hope you enjoy as much as we do at the Compound.

Not being a latter day Scrooge, I sent it to an old pal in London last night, asking, "Herr Doktor, you deny the Reich?" only to receive the famous reply this morning, "Sorry dude. Fell asleep there. Long Stasi stake out." Hey, it happens. He then proceeded to translate the song, "He's gotta be cheeky," and pointed me to Match of the Day:

Well spotted! But speaking of Match of the Day, SCOTUS just denied the Texas lawsuit. What's your take on that?




  1. It's not over till it's over and God is in charge. Peace!

  2. We are expecting our first grandchild. Right now I feel like when the little guy arrives, the first thing I should do is apologize to him.

  3. The Supremes done fucked up.

  4. WSF
    Supreme Court punted. Clears the way for President Trump to put in place Executive Orders, relating to foreign interference in our elections, written last summer. Some form of martial law follows.

  5. I'd tell you, "I'm going to Disneyland", and I can go there, but I can't get in because there is a plague going on. I'd tell you that "I'm going to the bar," to pound it into oblivion and bullshit with other drunks, but I can't go there either because there is a plague going on, and we all need to do our part to wear masks and slow the spread. It's settled science. Wearing a mask means that you won't catch the plague, and we know that the mask is every bit as lucky as carrying a rabbit's foot - lucky for you but not so much for the rabbit. Maybe carry a pet rock because you can transfer ownership of the rock to your local political officer with a toss like you're throwing one over the plate.

    It's a shit sandwich, LSP, and we all have to take a bite.

  6. It's obvious now, the Chinese own SCOTUS.

  7. It's obvious now, the Chinese own SCOTUS.

  8. Taking the apparent other side, it may be that the court wishes to have an iron clad argument for ruling on the election. One that cannot be challenged in court after court from now until Biden falls out of bed and Jill has him hauled off somewhere.

    Then again, I'm no legal beagle, and I much prefer that Texas secede, followed by every other state that is financially solvent, declaring to the blue states "Don't call us and ask for any money". Let the blue states see how their business destroying policies continue to work to keep the government 'leaders' in cocaine and hookers going forward.

  9. Well said, Adrienne! Take a deep breath...

  10. That, JC, could well be right on point.

  11. Imagine the sound and fury, WSF. For that matter, imagine our Bolshevik friends playing soldier against... the soldiers. It wouldn't last long, eh?

    Who knows, perhaps the swamp will be cleansed

  12. LL, I don't like this any way you cut it. Speaking of masks, was there ever such money making, power grabbing fraud, perpetrated on such a global scale? Maybe, but this seems right up there.

  13. seanachie -- I'm beginning to wonder if that isn't the case. I'd say all the cards are on the table at this point.

  14. Good call, Kid, and I'd like to think WSF has a point too. Saying that, LL's opinion's worth conjuring with -- are any of the possible outcomes good looking? I'm not sure they are, though the thought of military tribunals and nooses down the Mall has a certain... appeal.

    That aside, I know it's naive, but I'm still amazed at the brazen, industrial scale, in your face fraud. Blow up the Republic? So. Destroy confidence in our elections? Whatever. Push the country to the point of war? Bigot. etc.

    Nothing quite like a naked, unashamed lust for power. But I thought the US, even now, was better than that. I was obviously wrong. Huh.

    We'll see how the dice fall.

  15. We are all Kulaks now, according to SCOTUS, is my take on it.

    A bit of a non-linear thought process, granted. But that's the FACTS of the matter, so it might as well be the THEORY as well.

    One more thing: If Texas secedes, I'm moving home, STAT.

  16. I get the logic, WWW, and I think you have a point.


  17. Lest we forget.

    You'll find me standing muster at those gates at dawn on March 6, 2036, assuming I'm still capable of self-propulsion and God sees fit to let me get that old. Hope to see you there, LSP.
