Monday, December 21, 2020

The Great Oz Porkulus

Well here we are in the Land of Oz, and when the curtain's pulled back what do we see? Our elite Overlords getting ready to vote on a massive China Virus stimulus bill. Good work, millionaires, about time you decided to help out people whose livelihoods have been wrecked by your electioneering lockdowns and business closures.

That's why the second largest bill in US history includes $14 million for the suffering Kennedy Center, $10 million for "gender programs" in, please don't laugh, Pakistan, and cash for for HIV/AIDS workers in foreign countries, so they can buy and insure new cars. To say nothing of billions in foreign money laundering aid. But you, the American, get $600. And think yourself lucky, serf. 

You can read all/some about it at PJ Media. In the meanwhile, what heinous, brazen, literal disregard for the people. Even AOC scorns it, unlike, say, Mitch McConnell. Hey, can't pay your rent, foreclosed? Don't worry, peasant, the EPA gets $33 million for new buildings, so sleep easy, dirt person.

Gentlemen and gentlewomen, have we reached the point at which our governance is so utterly corrupt and in such blatant disregard of the people who pay it to exist that we have to take action? If so, what? Voting, apparently, doesn't work anymore and neither do the courts.

I'd say there's trouble brewing, but that's just me. What's your take?

January 6,



  1. Sigh... troubled waters are approaching...

  2. People are pissed. Even some demonrats I know are questioning their betters, and I've never seen that happen before....

  3. The 1972 Democratic presidential candidate promised a $10,000 check to every American. That is more than $62,000 today. The US government has become GoFundMe.

  4. Seven Hairy Hells.

    Aid to foreign countries thrown in? For what? (Note that I have been an advocate for gradually reducing / phasing out aid to Israel - stated as a Zionist Jew.)

    All those art centers, etc.? For what? (Wait, I know, that money will get recycled to "D" campaign contributions.)

    Yes, a $600 check would be nice. But that's chump change compared to what people are losing.

    More importantly, WHERE is that money coming from? Oh wait, I know, it's being printed out of thin air. This will not end well.

  5. wasn't there also money allocated for statue gender corrections?

  6. I'd use my stimulus money to buy ammo, but there isn't any.

  7. Damned if you do damned if you don't. Peaceful protests against our government aren't working. So what does that leave? Either way I don't see much hope for our country.

  8. I'll tell ya, just look through the list of government departments and agencies and their associated costs whilst realizing the feds have no business doing anything outside of national security and interstate roads and affairs and smile smile smile.

    Actually this is chump change. Plus, why don't we monetize the debt, it's not like they stopped lending money to Greece.

    Some of us know what should happen.

  9. This bill is an outrage, drjim. Let's see how it flies.

  10. Sgt. I remember that one, just -- Nixon v. McGovern.

    But 10k? Wow... see how far we've declined.

  11. Thin air? At interest?

    N, I don't see how this can end in anything other than a collapse. Hope I'm wrong.

  12. That, Julie, is a very keen-eyed point.

    What mountebanks.

  13. Adrienne, I had to restrain myself too.

  14. LL, trying to buy ammo is like trying to find orthodoxy in Lambeth Palace. Tricky.

  15. But Infidel, everyone thought SHE would win. We think it today, but she didn't. So perhaps there's hope yet.

    Take heart!
