Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Rise Up

Thanks to the STAR, Texas was bright, warm and sunny this morning as I drove about the country, getting the job done. Hey, someone's got to do it. Christmas tasks over, I fell back to the Compound and wandered into the church hall to scout about.

Behold, it was decorated for the great Feast of the Incarnation, candy-cane style. I couldn't help myself, "Good Lord!" only to notice the author of this tremendous effort sitting on a bench, exhausted from the sheer intensity of the thing. We visited, and I thanked her for working so hard, and she bought us a pizza. Half peperoni, half "meat lovers." Delicious.

Unlike the recent Covid stimulus bill, which shovels billions into foreign and special interests while putting Americans precisely last. What does this tell us about our elected representatives? That they hate, despise and scorn you, the dirt people who pay their salaries? 

Well, yes, of course. But more than that, their income, the millions of dollars which buy their mansions, servants, and private jets, doesn't come from the pathetic amount of money you give them. 

Which, let's be honest, couldn't make up mortgage on their faux Versailles. No, it comes from the grift they get in office, obviously. 

Pitch Forks and Nooses down the Mall, eh?

Your Friend,



  1. Pitch forks, nooses, torches, tar and feathers, and a good supply of rails.

  2. Anyone who looks at the (non-trivial) salary our elected (and, to be fair, appointed) officials make, but then at the multi-million dollar mansions, lavish lifestyles, multiple vacation homes in far-flung exotic locations, etc., and NOT conclude that something hinky is going on is IMHO utterly naive to the point of being delusional.

  3. Your betters have certainly developed a great scam for themselves - and if an honest person is in office and the people want him kept there, they simply rig the voting machines and invite you to kiss their ass when they are found out. "The Fraud Stands", they proudly proclaim.

    "Better to have a corrupt half-wit in charge, with a whore waiting in the wings," They patiently explain. Enjoy your $600 (taxable) stimulus, they cackle. How much of that foreign aid makes its way BACK into American political pockets? From personal experience, I can assure you that number is high. And what about all of those green energy companies that Obama/Biden funded - all went BK, with money siphoned off to the Caymen Islands. The FBI declined to investigate...of course they did. They were busy plotting a coup against Candidate Trump.

    And if you're in their way, you end up like Epstein. In a cell, CCTV turned off, the guards left the area and had coffee for three hours.

  4. drjim, I won't argue with any of that.

  5. N, the stench of corruption reaches up to heaven and cries out for vengeance.

  6. The whole thing stinketh, LL. But our Rulers don't care, "Stay in your 600 dollar lane, serf, while we fleece you."

    Speaking of which, I liked the way the GOP got behind the porkulus. You'd almost think there was some kind of uniparty in control of our country. Too bad we can't vote it out, perhaps there's an alternate solution.

  7. "What does it take?" is a cry I've screamed for a while.

    After the four years of relentless attacks, including a House impeachment process that would make a banana republic Jones in envy, how is it possible that even half of the D congresscritters were re-elected? Where was the outrage?

    After the appalling treatment of now-Justice Kavanaugh*, how did the D Senators survive? Where was the outrage?

    You have Nancy Pelosi and her fridge full of gourmet ice cream. The list of what you and I would consider "last straw" behavior was endless. And while I don't doubt that Trump did, in fact, win in a landslide, and we did pick up House seats, how is it possible it wasn't even bigger on the coattails?

    The Left is a cancer. Spreading, corrupting... but that's the evil part. What about the people who are just "OK so Biden will be a little to the Left - no big deal" ones? I know educated & intelligent people who, literally, do not see what's coming? Literally everything is a "conspiracy theory" to them. Higher gas / electric prices? Dismissed. Higher taxes? Dismissed. Covid restrictions essentially forever? Dismissed.

    It's like they're sheep milling around in front of the slaughterhouse, but happy with the hay and water.
