Saturday, November 21, 2020

Up All Night For You

So how's the election going for 'ya? Over in England, people think 45's contesting the fraud because he's literally Hitler. You know, because he wants our country to have a border, less taxes, no wars and a strong military. How very unutterably fascist.

In the meanwhile, the thing plays out on the national stage with a blizzard of litigation, claim and counter claim. Will Light triumph over Darkness, Good over Evil? Have confidence for sure, but perhaps you feel like this?

Hold the line, Patriots,



  1. In a political flip, the Republican Party is now the party of THE PEOPLE, the anti-war party, the party of the workers, and the democrat party is the political machine party, the party of the corrupt, the party of war, the party of big tech, big media, Hollywood elites, moguls and fatcats.

  2. A random thought popped into my head--a speech re-write--

    Yesterday, November 3, 2020--a date which will live in infamy--the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by...

  3. If you want to see fascism look no further than the governors of California, Michigan, and New York.

  4. What a weird flip, LL, and so many on the left don't see it at all. I think they've been mesmerized by identipol agitprop. Good work, cultural marxists.

  5. Definitely worth that rewrite, RHT.

  6. Well it's all very Orwellian, Jim. Some pigs are clearly more equal than others.
